View file: Tss file: "#container": { backgroundColor: "white", width: Ti.UI.FILL, height: Ti.UI.FILL } "#mapContainer": { width: Ti.UI.FILL, top: '105dp', bottom: '70dp', borderColor: "white", borderWidth: "1" } Controller file: var mapModule = require(''); mapView=null; mapView = mapModule.createView({ animate : false, regionFit : true, userLocation : true, rotateEnabled : false, added : false, mapType : mapModule.NORMAL_TYPE }); $.mapContainer.add(mapView) ==> The application crashes here!!!! ==>first time the map is added, everything works ok. ==>If the application is closed using the home button and then restarted, the application crashes when adding the mapView to mapContainer. If the $.mapContainer childs are removed, $.mapContainer is set to null and a new View object is created as parent view for the mapView then the application works ok but the map doesn't get rendered. ==>This behaviour doesn't happen all the time. It is difficult to reproduce, but it happens. ==> Titanium version used: 3.5.1 GA