Titanium Command-Line Interface, CLI version 3.2.0, Titanium SDK version 3.2.0.GA Copyright (c) 2012-2013, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Please report bugs to http://jira.appcelerator.org/ [INFO] : Found Titanium plugin id=ti.alloy version=1.0 [INFO] : Deploy type: development [INFO] : Building for target: simulator [INFO] : Building using iOS SDK: 7.0.3 [INFO] : Building for iOS iPhone Simulator: 7.0.3 [INFO] : Building for device family: universal [INFO] : Minimum iOS version: 6.0 [INFO] : Debugging disabled [INFO] : Profiler disabled [INFO] : Forcing rebuild: /Users/tstatler/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspacefoo/RSS Reader/build/iphone/build-manifest.json does not exist [INFO] : Initiating prepare phase [INFO] : Found Alloy app in /Users/tstatler/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspacefoo/RSS Reader/app [INFO] : Executing Alloy compile: /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/bin/alloy compile /Users/tstatler/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspacefoo/RSS Reader/app --config platform=ios,version=0,simtype=none,devicefamily=universal,deploytype=development [INFO] : ----- MVC GENERATION ----- [INFO] : [app.tss] global style processing... [INFO] : [global style] writing to cache... [INFO] : [detail.xml] view processing... [INFO] : style: "detail.tss" [INFO] : view: "detail.xml" [INFO] : controller: "detail.js" [INFO] : created: "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/detail.js" [INFO] : created: "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/detail.js" [INFO] : [index.xml] view processing... [INFO] : style: "index.tss" [INFO] : view: "ios/index.xml" [WARN] : Ti.UI.iPhone.NavigationGroup (line 10) is deprecated as of Titanium 3.1.3 [WARN] : Use Ti.UI.iOS.NavigationWindow instead [INFO] : controller: "index.js" [INFO] : created: "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/index.js" [INFO] : created: "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/index.js" [INFO] : [master.xml] view processing... [INFO] : style: "master.tss" [INFO] : view: "master.xml" [INFO] : controller: "master.js" [INFO] : created: "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/master.js" [INFO] : created: "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/master.js" [INFO] : [row.xml] view processing... [INFO] : style: "row.tss" [INFO] : view: "row.xml" [INFO] : controller: "row.js" [INFO] : created: "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/row.js" [INFO] : created: "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/row.js" [INFO] : [INFO] : [app.js] Titanium entry point processing... [INFO] : created: "Resources/iphone/app.js" [INFO] : [INFO] : ----- OPTIMIZING ----- [INFO] : - iphone/alloy.js [INFO] : - iphone/rss.js [INFO] : - iphone/alloy/sync/localStorage.js [INFO] : - iphone/alloy/sync/properties.js [INFO] : - iphone/alloy/sync/sql.js [INFO] : [INFO] : Alloy compiled in 0.92552s [INFO] : Alloy compiler completed successfully [INFO] : Performing full rebuild [INFO] : Copying Xcode iOS files [INFO] : Creating Xcode project directory: /Users/tstatler/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspacefoo/RSS Reader/build/iphone/RSS Reader.xcodeproj [INFO] : Writing Xcode project data file: Titanium.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj [INFO] : Writing Xcode project configuration: project.xcconfig [INFO] : Writing Xcode module configuration: module.xcconfig [INFO] : Forcing rebuild: ApplicationDefaults.m has changed since last build [INFO] : Writing application defaults: /Users/tstatler/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspacefoo/RSS Reader/build/iphone/Classes/ApplicationDefaults.m [INFO] : Initiating Xcode pre-compile phase [INFO] : Processing JavaScript files [INFO] : Invoking xcodebuild [INFO] : Finished building the application in 24s 822ms [INFO] : Running application in iOS Simulator [INFO] : Launching application in iOS Simulator [INFO] : Focusing the iOS Simulator [INFO] : Application has exited from iOS Simulator [INFO] : Project built successfully in 25s 262ms