{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1561 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Menlo-Regular;\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Menlo-Bold;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;\red46\green174\blue187; \red200\green20\blue201;\red180\green36\blue25;\red159\green160\blue28;\red111\green111\blue111;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;\csgray\c0;\csgray\c100000;\cssrgb\c20196\c73240\c78250; \cssrgb\c83396\c23075\c82664;\cssrgb\c76409\c21698\c12524;\cssrgb\c68468\c68012\c14208;\cssrgb\c51166\c51167\c51165;} \paperw11900\paperh16840\margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs22 \cf2 \cb3 \CocoaLigature0 item-ax40104:~ ssekhri$ appc ti info -t android\ \cf4 Appcelerator Command-Line Interface\cf2 , version 7.0.0-master.38\ Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.\ \ \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f1\b \cf2 \cb3 Android SDK \f0\b0 \cf2 \cb3 \ Android Executable = \cf5 \cb3 not found\cf2 \cb3 \ ADB Executable = \cf5 \cb3 /Users/ssekhri/Library/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/adb\cf2 \cb3 \ SDK Path = \cf5 \cb3 /Users/ssekhri/Library/android-sdk-macosx\cf2 \cb3 \ \ \f1\b \cf2 \cb3 Android NDK \f0\b0 \cf2 \cb3 \ 0NDK Path = \cf5 \cb3 /Users/ssekhri/Library/android-ndk-r12b\cf2 \cb3 \ NDK Version = \cf5 \cb3 12.1.2977051\cf2 \cb3 \ \ \f1\b \cf2 \cb3 Android Platforms \f0\b0 \cf2 \cb3 \ \cf4 1) android-10\cf2 \ Name = \cf5 \cb3 Android 2.3.3\cf6 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 7.0.0.v20171113152835**\cf2 \cb3 \ API Level = \cf5 \cb3 10\cf2 \cb3 \ Revision = \cf5 \cb3 null\cf2 \cb3 \ Skins = \cf5 \cb3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WVGA800, WVGA854\cf2 \cb3 \ ABIs = \cf5 \cb3 armeabi-v7a, x86\cf2 \cb3 \ Path = \cf5 \cb3 /Users/ssekhri/Library/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-10\cf2 \cb3 \ \cf4 2) android-23\cf2 \ Name = \cf5 \cb3 Android 6.0\cf2 \cb3 \ API Level = \cf5 \cb3 23\cf2 \cb3 \ Revision = \cf5 \cb3 3\cf2 \cb3 \ Skins = \cf5 \cb3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in, AndroidWearRound, AndroidWearRound360x360, AndroidWearRound400x400, AndroidWearRound480x480, AndroidWearRoundChin320x290, AndroidWearRoundChin320x300, AndroidWearRoundChin360x325, AndroidWearRoundChin360x326, AndroidWearRoundChin360x330, AndroidWearSquare, AndroidWearSquare240x240, AndroidWearSquare320x320\cf2 \cb3 \ ABIs = \cf5 \cb3 armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64\cf2 \cb3 \ Path = \cf5 \cb3 /Users/ssekhri/Library/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-23\cf2 \cb3 \ \cf4 3) android-25\cf2 \ Name = \cf5 \cb3 Android 7.1.1\cf2 \cb3 \ API Level = \cf5 \cb3 25\cf2 \cb3 \ Revision = \cf5 \cb3 2\cf2 \cb3 \ Skins = \cf5 \cb3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf2 \cb3 \ ABIs = \cf5 \cb3 x86\cf2 \cb3 \ Path = \cf5 \cb3 /Users/ssekhri/Library/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-25\cf2 \cb3 \ \cf4 4) android-26\cf2 \ Name = \cf5 \cb3 Android 8.0.0\cf7 (not supported by Titanium SDK 7.0.0.v20171113152835, but may work)\cf2 \cb3 \ API Level = \cf5 \cb3 26\cf2 \cb3 \ Revision = \cf5 \cb3 1\cf2 \cb3 \ Skins = \cf5 \cb3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf2 \cb3 \ ABIs = \ Path = \cf5 \cb3 /Users/ssekhri/Library/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-26\cf2 \cb3 \ \ \f1\b \cf2 \cb3 Android Add-Ons \f0\b0 \cf2 \cb3 \ \cf4 5) Google Inc.:Google APIs:10\cf2 \ Name = \cf5 \cb3 Google APIs (Android 2.3.3 (API level 10))\cf6 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 7.0.0.v20171113152835**\cf2 \cb3 \ Vendor = \cf5 \cb3 Google Inc.\cf2 \cb3 \ Revision = \cf5 \cb3 2\cf2 \cb3 \ Description = \cf5 \cb3 Android + Google APIs\cf2 \cb3 \ Skins = \cf5 \cb3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WVGA800, WVGA854\cf2 \cb3 \ ABIs = \cf5 \cb3 armeabi-v7a, x86\cf2 \cb3 \ Path = \cf5 \cb3 /Users/ssekhri/Library/android-sdk-macosx/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-10\cf2 \cb3 \ Libraries = \cf5 \cb3 none\cf2 \cb3 \ \ \f1\b \cf2 \cb3 Android Emulators \f0\b0 \cf2 \cb3 \ \cf4 Nexus 6 API 23\cf2 \ ID = \cf5 \cb3 Nexus_6_API_23\cf2 \cb3 \ SDK Version = \cf5 \cb3 Android 6.0 (API level 23)\cf2 \cb3 \ ABI = \cf5 \cb3 x86\cf2 \cb3 \ Skin = \cf5 \cb3 nexus_6\cf2 \cb3 \ Path = \cf5 \cb3 /Users/ssekhri/.android/avd/Nexus_6_API_23.avd\cf2 \cb3 \ SD Card = \cf5 \cb3 /Users/ssekhri/.android/avd/Nexus_6_API_23.avd/sdcard.img\cf2 \cb3 \ Google APIs = \cf5 \cb3 yes\cf2 \cb3 \ \cf4 Pixel API 25\cf2 \ ID = \cf5 \cb3 Pixel_API_25\cf2 \cb3 \ SDK Version = \cf5 \cb3 Android 7.1.1 (API level 25)\cf2 \cb3 \ ABI = \cf5 \cb3 x86\cf2 \cb3 \ Skin = \cf5 \cb3 pixel\cf2 \cb3 \ Path = \cf5 \cb3 /Users/ssekhri/.android/avd/Pixel_API_25.avd\cf2 \cb3 \ SD Card = \cf5 \cb3 /Users/ssekhri/.android/avd/Pixel_API_25.avd/sdcard.img\cf2 \cb3 \ Google APIs = \cf5 \cb3 yes\cf2 \cb3 \ \ \f1\b \cf2 \cb3 Genymotion Emulators \f0\b0 \cf2 \cb3 \ \cf4 Google Nexus 6 - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1440x2560\cf2 \ 0 ID = \cf5 \cb3 Google Nexus 6 - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1440x2560\cf2 \cb3 \ SDK Version = \cf5 \cb3 6.0 (android-23)\cf2 \cb3 \ ABI = \cf5 \cb3 x86\cf2 \cb3 \ Genymotion Version = \cf5 \cb3 2.9.0\cf2 \cb3 \ Display = \cf5 \cb3 1440x2560-16\cf2 \cb3 \ DPI = \cf5 \cb3 560\cf2 \cb3 \ OpenGL Acceleration = \cf5 \cb3 yes\cf2 \cb3 \ Google APIs = \cf5 \cb3 unknown, emulator not running\cf2 \cb3 \ \ \f1\b \cf2 \cb3 Connected Android Devices \f0\b0 \cf2 \cb3 \ \cf8 \cb3 None\cf2 \cb3 \ \ \f1\b \cf2 \cb3 Android Issues \f0\b0 \cf2 \cb3 \ \f1\b \cf7 \cb3 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Android 2.3.3 (android-10) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by Titanium SDK\cf2 \cb3 \ \cf7 \cb3 7.0.0.\cf2 \cb3 \ \cf7 \cb3 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 7.0.0 is API level 23.\cf2 \cb3 \ \ \f1\b \cf7 \cb3 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Android 8.0.0 (android-26) \f0\b0 is too new and may or may not work with Titanium SDK\cf2 \cb3 \ \cf7 \cb3 7.0.0.\cf2 \cb3 \ \cf7 \cb3 The maximum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 7.0.0 is API level 25.\cf2 \cb3 \ \ \f1\b \cf7 \cb3 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Google APIs (Google Inc.:Google APIs:10) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by\cf2 \cb3 \ \cf7 \cb3 Titanium SDK 7.0.0.\cf2 \cb3 \ \cf7 \cb3 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 7.0.0 is API level 23.}