{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf470 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Menlo-Regular;\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Menlo-Bold;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red46\green174\blue187;\red200\green20\blue201;\red180\green36\blue25; \red159\green160\blue28;\red111\green111\blue111;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs22 \cf0 \CocoaLigature0 Last login: Mon Dec 12 14:11:33 on ttys001\ eswars-macbook:~ v413248$ appc info\ \cf2 Appcelerator Command-Line Interface\cf0 , version 6.0.0\ Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.\ \ \f1\b Operating System \f0\b0 \ Name = \cf3 Mac OS X\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 10.11.6\cf0 \ Architecture = \cf3 64bit\cf0 \ # CPUs = \cf3 8\cf0 \ Memory = \cf3 16.0GB\cf0 \ \ \f1\b Node.js \f0\b0 \ Node.js Version = \cf3 4.6.2\cf0 \ npm Version = \cf3 2.15.11\cf0 \ \ \f1\b Appcelerator CLI \f0\b0 \ Installer = \cf3 4.2.8\cf0 \ Core Package = \cf3 6.0.0\cf0 \ \ \f1\b Titanium CLI \f0\b0 \ CLI Version = \cf3 5.0.10\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.31\cf0 \ \ \f1\b Titanium SDKs \f0\b0 \ \cf2 6.1.0.v20161208114813\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 6.1.0\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/6.1.0.v20161208114813\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 iphone, android, mobileweb\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 b2f9e0f\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 12/8/2016 19:52\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.39\cf0 \ \cf2 6.0.0.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 6.0.0\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/6.0.0.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 iphone, android, mobileweb\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 1aa3df8\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 11/13/2016 09:27\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.39\cf0 \ \cf2 5.5.1.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 5.5.1\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.5.1.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 android, mobileweb, iphone\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 b18727f\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 09/27/16 05:38\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.36\cf0 \ \cf2 5.5.0.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 5.5.0\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.5.0.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 android, mobileweb, iphone\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 44a2e3f\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 09/13/16 12:38\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.36\cf0 \ \cf2 5.4.0.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 5.4.0\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.4.0.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 android, mobileweb, iphone\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 4ba4c0a\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 08/10/16 05:43\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.35\cf0 \ \cf2 5.3.1.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 5.3.1\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.3.1.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 android, mobileweb, iphone\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 ee11b10\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 06/09/16 01:33\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.33\cf0 \ \cf2 5.3.0.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 5.3.0\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.3.0.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 android, mobileweb, iphone\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 94fa8af\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 06/01/16 10:17\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.33\cf0 \ \cf2 5.2.2.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 5.2.2\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.2.2.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 android, mobileweb, iphone\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 b685ddb\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 03/28/16 14:12\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.33\cf0 \ \cf2 5.2.1.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 5.2.1\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.2.1.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 android, mobileweb, iphone\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 23e1c7d\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 03/18/16 22:51\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.33\cf0 \ \cf2 5.2.0.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 5.2.0\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.2.0.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 android, mobileweb, iphone\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 384775e\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 02/20/16 08:04\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.33\cf0 \ \cf2 5.1.2.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 5.1.2\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.1.2.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 android, mobileweb, iphone\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 ca822b2\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 12/16/15 19:00\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.32\cf0 \ \cf2 5.1.1.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 5.1.1\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.1.1.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 android, mobileweb, iphone\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 e46100b\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 11/24/15 11:07\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.32\cf0 \ \cf2 5.1.0.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 5.1.0\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.1.0.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 android, mobileweb, iphone\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 0913213\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 11/18/15 21:44\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.32\cf0 \ \cf2 5.0.2.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 5.0.2\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.0.2.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 android, mobileweb, iphone\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 92c2265\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 09/30/15 12:07\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.31\cf0 \ \cf2 5.0.1.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 5.0.1\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.0.1.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 android, mobileweb, iphone\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 9640236\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 09/24/15 10:39\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.31\cf0 \ \cf2 5.0.0.GA_TIMOB-16450_AmerisourceBergen\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 5.0.0\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.0.0.GA_TIMOB-16450_AmerisourceBergen\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 android, iphone, mobileweb\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 3225e47\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 09/28/15 13:00\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.31\cf0 \ \cf2 5.0.0.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 5.0.0\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.0.0.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 android, mobileweb, iphone\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 ec79bc5\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 09/15/15 23:07\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.31\cf0 \ \cf2 4.1.1.v20150805104411\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 4.1.1\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/4.1.1.v20150805104411\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 android, mobileweb, iphone\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 5f3fa2d\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 08/05/15 10:44\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.24\cf0 \ \cf2 4.1.0.GA_TIMOB-16450_AmerisourceBergen\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 4.1.0\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/4.1.0.GA_TIMOB-16450_AmerisourceBergen\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 android, iphone, mobileweb\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 d57aa7d\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 09/17/15 14:52\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.24\cf0 \ \cf2 4.1.0.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 4.1.0\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/4.1.0.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 android, mobileweb, iphone\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 d57aa7d\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 07/06/15 11:15\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.24\cf0 \ \cf2 4.0.0.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 4.0.0\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/4.0.0.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 iphone, mobileweb, android\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 9239ff9\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 05/18/15 15:42\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.24\cf0 \ \cf2 3.5.1.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 3.5.1\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 iphone, mobileweb, android, blackberry\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 96875c9\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 03/05/15 10:08\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.24\cf0 \ \cf2 3.5.0.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 3.5.0\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.0.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 iphone, mobileweb, android, blackberry\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 0014f83\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 01/12/15 15:33\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.17\cf0 \ \cf2 3.4.1.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 3.4.1\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.4.1.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 iphone, mobileweb, android, blackberry\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 5982e8f\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 11/13/14 13:33\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.17\cf0 \ \cf2 3.4.0.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 3.4.0\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.4.0.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 iphone, mobileweb, android, blackberry\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 b54c467\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 09/25/14 16:41\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.17\cf0 \ \cf2 3.3.0.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 3.3.0\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.3.0.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 iphone, mobileweb, android, blackberry\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 787cd39\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 07/11/14 12:36\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.12\cf0 \ \cf2 3.2.3.GA\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 3.2.3\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.2.3.GA\cf0 \ Platforms = \cf3 iphone, tizen, mobileweb, android, blackberry\cf0 \ git Hash = \cf3 b958a70\cf0 \ git Timestamp = \cf3 04/22/14 10:17\cf0 \ node-appc Version = \cf3 0.2.1\cf0 \ \ \f1\b Mac OS X \f0\b0 \ Command Line Tools = \cf3 installed\cf0 \ \ \f1\b Intel\'ae Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager (HAXM) \f0\b0 \ Installed = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ Memory Limit = \cf3 2 GB\cf0 \ \ \f1\b Java Development Kit \f0\b0 \ Version = \cf3 1.8.0_102\cf0 \ Java Home = \cf3 /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_102.jdk/Contents/Home\cf0 \ \ \f1\b Genymotion \f0\b0 \ Path = \cf3 /Applications/Genymotion.app/Contents/MacOS\cf0 \ Genymotion Executable = \cf3 /Applications/Genymotion.app/Contents/MacOS/genymotion\cf0 \ Genymotion Player = \cf3 /Applications/Genymotion.app/Contents/MacOS/player.app/Contents/MacOS/player\cf0 \ Home = \cf3 /Users/v413248/.Genymobile/Genymotion\cf0 \ \ \f1\b VirtualBox \f0\b0 \ Executable = \cf3 /usr/local/bin/VBoxManage\cf0 \ Version = \cf3 5.0.0r101573\cf0 \ \ \f1\b Android SDK \f0\b0 \ Android Executable = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/tools/android\cf0 \ ADB Executable = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/adb\cf0 \ SDK Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx\cf0 \ \ \f1\b Android NDK \f0\b0 \ NDK Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-ndk-r12b\cf0 \ NDK Version = \cf3 12.1.2977051\cf0 \ \ \f1\b Android Platforms \f0\b0 \ \cf2 1) android-7\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 2.1\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ API Level = \cf3 7\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 3\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WVGA800, WVGA854\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 armeabi\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-7\cf0 \ \cf2 2) android-8\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 2.2\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ API Level = \cf3 8\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 3\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WVGA800, WVGA854\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 armeabi\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-8\cf0 \ \cf2 3) android-9\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 2.3.1\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ API Level = \cf3 9\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 2\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WVGA800, WVGA854\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 armeabi\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-9\cf0 \ \cf2 4) android-10\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 2.3.3\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ API Level = \cf3 10\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 2\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WVGA800, WVGA854\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 armeabi\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-10\cf0 \ \cf2 5) android-11\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 3.0\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ API Level = \cf3 11\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 2\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 WXGA\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 armeabi\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-11\cf0 \ \cf2 6) android-12\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 3.1\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ API Level = \cf3 12\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 3\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 WXGA\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 armeabi\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-12\cf0 \ \cf2 7) android-13\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 3.2\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ API Level = \cf3 13\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 1\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 WXGA\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 armeabi\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-13\cf0 \ \cf2 8) android-14\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 4.0\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ API Level = \cf3 14\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 4\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 no ABIs.\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-14\cf0 \ \cf2 9) android-15\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 4.0.3\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ API Level = \cf3 15\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 5\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 no ABIs.\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-15\cf0 \ \cf2 10) android-16\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 4.1.2\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ API Level = \cf3 16\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 5\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 no ABIs.\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-16\cf0 \ \cf2 11) android-17\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 4.2.2\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ API Level = \cf3 17\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 3\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 no ABIs.\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-17\cf0 \ \cf2 12) android-18\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 4.3.1\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ API Level = \cf3 18\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 3\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 no ABIs.\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-18\cf0 \ \cf2 13) android-19\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 4.4.2\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ API Level = \cf3 19\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 4\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 no ABIs.\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-19\cf0 \ \cf2 14) android-20\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 4.4W.2\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ API Level = \cf3 20\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 2\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 no ABIs.\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-20\cf0 \ \cf2 15) android-21\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 5.0.1\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ API Level = \cf3 21\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 2\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 no ABIs.\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-21\cf0 \ \cf2 16) android-22\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 5.1.1\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ API Level = \cf3 22\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 2\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-22\cf0 \ \cf2 17) android-MNC\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android M (Preview)\cf0 \ API Level = \cf3 MNC\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 1\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 x86, arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, mips, x86_64\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-MNC\cf0 \ \cf2 18) android-23\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 6.0\cf0 \ API Level = \cf3 23\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 3\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-23\cf0 \ \cf2 19) android-24\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 7.0\cf5 (not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA, but may work)\cf0 \ API Level = \cf3 24\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 2\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-24\cf0 \ \ \f1\b Android Add-Ons \f0\b0 \ \cf2 20) Google Inc.:Google APIs:8\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 2.2 (API level 8)\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ Vendor = \cf3 Google Inc.\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 2\cf0 \ Description = \cf3 Android + Google APIs\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WVGA800, WVGA854\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 armeabi\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-8\cf0 \ Libraries = \cf3 com.google.android.maps: API for Google Maps (maps.jar)\cf0 \ \ \cf2 21) Google Inc.:Google APIs:10\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 2.3.3 (API level 10)\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ Vendor = \cf3 Google Inc.\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 2\cf0 \ Description = \cf3 Android + Google APIs\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WVGA800, WVGA854\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 armeabi\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-10\cf0 \ Libraries = \cf3 com.android.future.usb.accessory: API for USB Accessories (usb.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.maps: API for Google Maps (maps.jar)\cf0 \ \ \cf2 22) Google Inc.:Google APIs:11\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 3.0 (API level 11)\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ Vendor = \cf3 Google Inc.\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 1\cf0 \ Description = \cf3 Android + Google APIs\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 WXGA\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 armeabi\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-11\cf0 \ Libraries = \cf3 com.google.android.maps: API for Google Maps (maps.jar)\cf0 \ \ \cf2 23) Google Inc.:Google APIs:12\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 3.1 (API level 12)\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ Vendor = \cf3 Google Inc.\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 1\cf0 \ Description = \cf3 Android + Google APIs\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 WXGA\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 armeabi\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-12\cf0 \ Libraries = \cf3 com.android.future.usb.accessory: API for USB Accessories (usb.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.maps: API for Google Maps (maps.jar)\cf0 \ \ \cf2 24) Google Inc.:Google APIs:13\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 3.2 (API level 13)\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ Vendor = \cf3 Google Inc.\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 1\cf0 \ Description = \cf3 Android + Google APIs\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 WXGA\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 armeabi\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-13\cf0 \ Libraries = \cf3 com.android.future.usb.accessory: API for USB Accessories (usb.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.maps: API for Google Maps (maps.jar)\cf0 \ \ \cf2 25) Google Inc.:Google APIs:14\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 4.0 (API level 14)\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ Vendor = \cf3 Google Inc.\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 2\cf0 \ Description = \cf3 Android + Google APIs\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 armeabi-v7a\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-14\cf0 \ Libraries = \cf3 com.android.future.usb.accessory: API for USB Accessories (usb.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.maps: API for Google Maps (maps.jar)\cf0 \ \ \cf2 26) Google Inc.:Google APIs:15\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 4.0.3 (API level 15)\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ Vendor = \cf3 Google Inc.\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 3\cf0 \ Description = \cf3 Android + Google APIs\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 armeabi-v7a\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-15\cf0 \ Libraries = \cf3 com.android.future.usb.accessory: API for USB Accessories (usb.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.media.effects: Collection of video effects (effects.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.maps: API for Google Maps (maps.jar)\cf0 \ \ \cf2 27) Google Inc.:Google APIs:16\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 4.1.2 (API level 16)\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ Vendor = \cf3 Google Inc.\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 4\cf0 \ Description = \cf3 Android + Google APIs\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 armeabi-v7a\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-16\cf0 \ Libraries = \cf3 com.android.future.usb.accessory: API for USB Accessories (usb.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.media.effects: Collection of video effects (effects.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.maps: API for Google Maps (maps.jar)\cf0 \ \ \cf2 28) Google Inc.:Google APIs:17\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 4.2.2 (API level 17)\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ Vendor = \cf3 Google Inc.\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 4\cf0 \ Description = \cf3 Android + Google APIs\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 armeabi-v7a\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-17\cf0 \ Libraries = \cf3 com.android.future.usb.accessory: API for USB Accessories (usb.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.media.effects: Collection of video effects (effects.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.maps: API for Google Maps (maps.jar)\cf0 \ \ \cf2 29) Google Inc.:Google APIs:18\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 4.3.1 (API level 18)\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ Vendor = \cf3 Google Inc.\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 4\cf0 \ Description = \cf3 Android + Google APIs\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 armeabi-v7a\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-18\cf0 \ Libraries = \cf3 com.android.future.usb.accessory: API for USB Accessories (usb.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.media.effects: Collection of video effects (effects.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.maps: API for Google Maps (maps.jar)\cf0 \ \ \cf2 30) Google Inc.:Glass Development Kit Preview:19\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 4.4.2 (API level 19)\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ Vendor = \cf3 Google Inc.\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 11\cf0 \ Description = \cf3 Preview of the Glass Development Kit\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 no ABIs.\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/add-ons/addon-google_gdk-google-19\cf0 \ Libraries = \cf3 com.google.android.glass: APIs for Glass Development Kit Preview (gdk.jar)\cf0 \ \ \cf2 31) Google Inc.:Google APIs (x86 System Image):19\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 4.4.2 (API level 19)\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ Vendor = \cf3 Google Inc.\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 14\cf0 \ Description = \cf3 Android x86 + Google APIs\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 x86\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/add-ons/addon-google_apis_x86-google-19\cf0 \ Libraries = \cf3 com.android.future.usb.accessory: API for USB Accessories (usb.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.media.effects: Collection of video effects (effects.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.maps: API for Google Maps (maps.jar)\cf0 \ \ \cf2 32) Google Inc.:Google APIs:19\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 4.4.2 (API level 19)\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ Vendor = \cf3 Google Inc.\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 20\cf0 \ Description = \cf3 Android + Google APIs\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 no ABIs.\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-19-1\cf0 \ Libraries = \cf3 com.android.future.usb.accessory: API for USB Accessories (usb.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.media.effects: Collection of video effects (effects.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.maps: API for Google Maps (maps.jar)\cf0 \ \ \cf2 33) Google Inc.:Google APIs:21\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 5.0.1 (API level 21)\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ Vendor = \cf3 Google Inc.\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 1\cf0 \ Description = \cf3 Android + Google APIs\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 no ABIs.\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-21\cf0 \ Libraries = \cf3 com.android.future.usb.accessory: API for USB Accessories (usb.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.media.effects: Collection of video effects (effects.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.maps: API for Google Maps (maps.jar)\cf0 \ \ \cf2 34) Google Inc.:Google APIs:22\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 5.1.1 (API level 22)\cf4 **Not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA**\cf0 \ Vendor = \cf3 Google Inc.\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 1\cf0 \ Description = \cf3 Android + Google APIs\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-22\cf0 \ Libraries = \cf3 com.android.future.usb.accessory: API for USB Accessories (usb.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.media.effects: Collection of video effects (effects.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.maps: API for Google Maps (maps.jar)\cf0 \ \ \cf2 35) Google Inc.:Google APIs:23\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 6.0 (API level 23)\cf0 \ Vendor = \cf3 Google Inc.\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 1\cf0 \ Description = \cf3 Android + Google APIs\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-23\cf0 \ Libraries = \cf3 com.android.future.usb.accessory: API for USB Accessories (usb.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.media.effects: Collection of video effects (effects.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.maps: API for Google Maps (maps.jar)\cf0 \ \ \cf2 36) Google Inc.:Google APIs:24\cf0 \ Name = \cf3 Android 7.0 (API level 24)\cf5 (not supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.GA, but may work)\cf0 \ Vendor = \cf3 Google Inc.\cf0 \ Revision = \cf3 1\cf0 \ Description = \cf3 Android + Google APIs\cf0 \ Skins = \cf3 HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Volumes/ESWARDISK/Eswar/Android/android-sdk-macosx/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-24\cf0 \ Libraries = \cf3 com.android.future.usb.accessory: API for USB Accessories (usb.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.media.effects: Collection of video effects (effects.jar)\cf0 \ \cf3 com.google.android.maps: API for Google Maps (maps.jar)\cf0 \ \ \ \f1\b Android Emulators \f0\b0 \ \cf2 titanium_1_WVGA800\cf0 \ Path = \cf3 /Users/v413248/.android/avd/titanium_1_WVGA800.avd\cf0 \ SDK Version = \cf3 Android 7.0 (API level 24)\cf0 \ ABI = \cf3 x86\cf0 \ Skin = \cf3 wvga800\cf0 \ SD Card = \cf3 /Users/v413248/.android/avd/titanium_1_WVGA800.avd/sdcard.img\cf0 \ Google APIs = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \ \f1\b Genymotion Emulators \f0\b0 \ \cf2 Google Nexus 6P - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1440x2560\cf0 \ SDK Version = \cf3 6.0.0\cf0 \ ABI = \cf3 x86\cf0 \ Genymotion Version = \cf3 2.7.2\cf0 \ Display = \cf3 1440x2560-16\cf0 \ DPI = \cf3 560\cf0 \ OpenGL Acceleration = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ Google APIs = \cf3 unknown, emulator not running\cf0 \ \ \f1\b Connected Android Devices \f0\b0 \ \cf2 Android SDK built for x86_64\cf0 \ ID = \cf3 emulator-5554\cf0 \ State = \cf3 device\cf0 \ SDK Version = \cf3 6.0 (android-23)\cf0 \ ABIs = \cf3 x86_64, x86\cf0 \ \ \f1\b Xcode \f0\b0 \ \cf2 7.3.1 (build 7D1014) - Xcode default\cf0 \ Install Location = \cf3 /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/\cf0 \ iOS SDKs = \cf3 9.3\cf0 \ iOS Simulators = \cf3 9.3\cf0 \ Watch SDKs = \cf3 2.2\cf0 \ Watch Simulators = \cf3 2.2, 2.1, 2.0\cf0 \ Supported by TiSDK 6.0.0.GA = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ EULA Accepted = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ Teams = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 AmerisourceBergen Drug Corporation - In-House\cf6 (active)\cf0 \ = \cf3 645QK692MS\cf0 Eswar Jayavarapu - Individual\cf6 (active)\cf0 \ \ \f1\b iOS Keychains \f0\b0 \ login.keychain = \cf3 /Users/v413248/Library/Keychains/login.keychain\cf0 \ System.keychain = \cf3 /Library/Keychains/System.keychain\cf0 \ \ \f1\b iOS Development Certificates \f0\b0 \ \cf6 /Users/v413248/Library/Keychains/login.keychain\cf0 \ \cf2 Amrut Patil (35YML35CDM)\cf0 \ Not valid before = \cf3 8/18/2016 2:13 PM\cf0 \ Not valid after = \cf3 8/18/2017 2:13 PM\cf0 \ \cf2 Visweswar Jayavarapu (97SR483T8Y)\cf0 \ Not valid before = \cf3 2/18/2016 12:51 PM\cf0 \ Not valid after = \cf3 2/17/2017 12:51 PM\cf0 \ \ \f1\b iOS Distribution Certificates \f0\b0 \ \cf6 /Users/v413248/Library/Keychains/login.keychain\cf0 \ \cf2 AmerisourceBergen Drug Corporation\cf0 \ Not valid before = \cf3 4/6/2016 9:43 AM\cf0 \ Not valid after = \cf3 4/6/2019 9:43 AM\cf0 \ \cf2 Tata Consultancy Services Limited\cf0 \ Not valid before = \cf3 5/19/2014 8:31 AM\cf0 \ Not valid after = \cf3 5/18/2017 8:31 AM\cf0 \ \ \f1\b Apple WWDR Certificate \f0\b0 \ Apple WWDR = \cf3 installed\cf0 \ \ \f1\b Development iOS Provisioning Profiles \f0\b0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: *\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 4df8f4ad-9f7b-4bb0-9782-74b7acdf57f9\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 *\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: ABC*\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 b6baeaf0-3ae3-4a36-b75f-8ca841c6230d\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 ABC*\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.abc.appstore\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 bf2eb4d8-7aa9-48a4-8e92-c9b71a82aa33\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.appstore\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.abc.divide\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 17d9670d-5b03-4bec-8a92-e313c7231f57\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.divide\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.ABC.ion.eventmaestro\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 6e4677b9-7467-4905-8ee2-e83a34f0535f\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.ABC.ion.eventmaestro\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.ABC.lash.eventmaestro\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 be034a7c-46c1-452e-8dc0-0e371294012a\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.ABC.lash.eventmaestro\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.abc.mcoe.ABCSwiftEventApp\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 561c5790-cfcc-4ca6-9da4-914df214d48e\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.mcoe.ABCSwiftEventApp\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.abc.mcoe.CoachingForm\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 c0bf6dd9-dabf-43a6-bf2a-42856527e716\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.mcoe.CoachingForm\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.abc.mcoe.concierge.dev\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 dfd497d4-d67f-47ba-9d57-0d1a3349c1b2\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.mcoe.concierge.dev\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.abc.mcoe.dealmenudev\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 8d6fe835-c0a0-4b2a-b6ce-68b2cf2052d9\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.mcoe.dealmenudev\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.abc.mcoe.gnpip\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 1e60e753-ef36-4144-800b-30f44535d33e\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.mcoe.gnpip\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.abc.mcoe.ideal\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 58977fec-2291-44f9-b0d2-2782f72725c2\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.mcoe.ideal\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.abc.mcoe.iDealDev\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 24d05766-af1b-440b-bec4-e4078be2cccb\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.mcoe.iDealDev\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.abc.mcoe.idealProd\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 7d2610bb-6739-461f-86f0-c4dc8cd6f18e\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.mcoe.idealProd\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.abc.mcoe.iDealUAT\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 ef5c4b4c-3fbe-4b8f-be0d-a12c60875d11\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.mcoe.iDealUAT\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.abc.mcoe.myWorkplace\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 a11b0297-bedd-4651-b0eb-291cc554f35f\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.mcoe.myWorkplace\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.abc.mcoe.os.DevOrderSpotAppcelerator\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 e97ae466-3df3-4789-b23b-feec59c16d6b\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.mcoe.os.DevOrderSpotAppcelerator\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.abc.mcoe.os.ProdOrderSpotAppcelerator\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 2b437976-40ae-4362-890a-b705ce52ce29\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.mcoe.os.ProdOrderSpotAppcelerator\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.abc.mcoe.step\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 b0759180-2644-4ca3-8323-4c35c7234929\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.mcoe.step\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.abc.mcoe.uatgnpip\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 8e02afda-4aa3-40e7-959e-cf0a11d9ece0\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.mcoe.uatgnpip\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.abc.passportnomad\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 8b8c62ae-d8e2-43d1-8333-09680c96b160\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.passportnomad\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.abc.passportnomad*\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 237b497f-9cb1-483e-8b23-eb1b2424252e\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.passportnomad*\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.abc.promoevent.TradeShowAdmin\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 6dd90d54-3236-42a7-93a3-1c6697382162\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.promoevent.TradeShowAdmin\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.ABC.ThoughtLeader.*\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 bf9f6226-257a-41f2-88ef-725d074cb227\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.ABC.ThoughtLeader.*\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.bluewolf.*\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 393f79fb-2ed7-4e4f-80d6-9a81d814e9dc\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.bluewolf.*\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.otsuka-us.OtsukaVeevaVault.FMAPPTExt\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 2327137a-7b76-4b4a-9529-d0960b85f0be\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.otsuka-us.OtsukaVeevaVault.FMAPPTExt\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.Xcenda.iRep\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 ce043777-a5a1-4eff-b9b4-a6fc11ce9b85\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.Xcenda.iRep\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.Xcenda2.iRep\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 c5a8e608-6137-4146-8c72-19fa597d4e21\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.Xcenda2.iRep\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.Xcenda3.iRep\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 9a942412-44fe-424d-813c-bf7407526ba7\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.Xcenda3.iRep\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/30/2016 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/30/2017 3:57 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf4 Yes and is NOT compatible with Titanium\cf0 \ \cf2 MCoEGenericDevelopment\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 642eb483-8677-492a-867e-efda6ed6427c\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.mcoe.*\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 7/29/2016 3:02 AM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 7/29/2017 3:02 AM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf3 No\cf0 \ \cf2 MCoEGenericDevelopment\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 8cf7793b-d39f-4367-a3d3-4b9c15e11f87\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.mcoe.*\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/22/2016 3:44 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/22/2017 3:44 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf3 No\cf0 \ \ \f1\b Distribution iOS Provisioning Profiles \f0\b0 \ \cf2 ABC Passport Nomad Combined Interface\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 0f17c248-fd82-4277-9b5b-c941ab685077\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.passportnomad*\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 4/12/2016 12:58 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 4/12/2017 12:58 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf3 No\cf0 \ \cf2 iDeal Dev\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 857c2acb-deec-4e30-aad4-777aea1e7e50\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.mcoe.ideal\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 9/21/2016 3:56 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 9/21/2017 3:56 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf3 No\cf0 \ \cf2 MCOE Generic Distribution\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 731cfc34-d2db-439f-84c7-0d584b5ea6cf\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.mcoe.*\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 4/6/2016 9:55 AM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 4/6/2017 9:55 AM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf3 No\cf0 \ \cf2 MCOE Generic Distribution\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 9e895386-1bd5-42cd-8ead-54ee752dd113\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.mcoe.*\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 8/22/2016 3:44 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 8/22/2017 3:44 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf3 No\cf0 \ \cf2 Promoevent Ordering Admin Distribution\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 cd1a01dd-9521-4f12-8fe2-57b0c4aefd77\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.abc.promoevent.TradeShowAdmin\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 4/7/2016 2:53 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 4/7/2017 2:53 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf3 No\cf0 \ \cf2 XC: *\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 4ca7feb6-cd2e-4231-b455-c437d875a238\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 *\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 5/9/2016 2:56 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 5/9/2017 2:56 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf3 No\cf0 \ \cf2 Xcenda iRep_2016\cf0 \ UUID = \cf3 74d90360-5b21-439d-8b4a-093b5ee34449\cf0 \ App Prefix = \cf3 C8N2Q85ZAG\cf0 \ App Id = \cf3 com.Xcenda.iRep\cf0 \ Date Created = \cf3 4/12/2016 4:45 PM\cf0 \ Date Expired = \cf3 4/12/2017 4:45 PM\cf0 \ Managed = \cf3 No\cf0 \ \ \f1\b Ad Hoc iOS Provisioning Profiles \f0\b0 \ \cf6 None\cf0 \ \ \f1\b iOS Simulators \f0\b0 \ \cf6 7.1\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad 2\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 54D1EE28-0D92-4126-A86F-26F702C0ADCF\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Retina\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 98702629-1C55-4BD8-A5CE-5EC8714DB3EA\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Air\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 907A81E0-37B6-40E9-B005-B393B8FAA9B8\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 4s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 D848C812-1A8E-45A1-8D05-88B5732DFEAA\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 14323D65-9293-46FA-8207-7EB4868BEF3B\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 5F9E87F5-C855-405E-88CA-126306C81EE9\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \ \cf6 8.1\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad 2\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 7F59B5EE-D2B3-4625-B95C-EA908A9D17C1\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Retina\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 AEE2A5F7-786F-42A8-97BD-D25DFCBC62D6\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Air\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 0748545E-EDB2-4C16-A31E-576854DE2F00\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 4s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 F3DC3A9B-F3E2-4819-8DD9-01F72A2C5BA3\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 578DC104-F75A-4973-BF30-0C94D87DF4DB\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 B6EF9A66-D934-42F5-8CED-B48DD79B2C34\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6 Plus\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 4A51C2EF-DECF-45B9-84C3-0A69F9E5E73D\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 CC339850-DB9B-4801-A8E5-B7CB4735E335\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \ \cf6 8.2\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad 2\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 8FAE66D8-15FF-4A77-9231-2559FAED6821\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Retina\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 B918F9C9-72D1-41A8-95B6-4FF7D74723B4\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Air\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 2149EE8C-9CC4-4AF0-99BB-1856390EA9AF\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 4s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 D82B7F07-CC47-4908-9651-292CDE4B4A93\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 2E450938-B79A-4C56-A582-2F0D8658E19D\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 0522ADD4-6C53-47CE-A673-8946643C0B8D\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6 Plus\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 912C88E0-DE57-4A99-89D4-1441CEFE1023\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 8A693F8A-3740-4F17-B7DB-7763C0D9A1E9\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \ \cf6 8.3\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad 2\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 30FCDF7D-06F5-4A10-B70D-69F8027B3765\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad 2\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 823B3E82-193A-4541-9668-48B6B9C7744E\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Retina\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 5C827AB0-01B5-4597-873B-748A221B680F\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Retina\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 14FA79CC-3167-48B2-843E-F7E42C9B5DA7\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Air\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 1F26A7AC-05F9-4C2A-AD26-0F5149FB1C98\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Air\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 6B636E21-EC25-432E-A7E3-C621A55824B7\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 4s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 4008BDDB-1C00-4B03-B469-B25A3B6361EB\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 4s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 9CEE1485-9F9E-4D2E-B97B-CCEB6C96AE4B\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 47963274-8A47-4D25-8292-1EE29E27F2B6\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 E113B7CC-50BB-4B17-9F1A-17EDC773E23F\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 42C2259D-9D37-4660-9039-B2F383388DA6\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 4EC7B98D-DCDA-464C-86DD-003A7C363D1E\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6 Plus\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 724FBE45-D7A6-46F5-8455-845500926608\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6 Plus\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 584C92AD-54E9-410E-9030-5CD23547185E\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 B2FDF6E2-AADA-476F-8528-D1DBBF8C5DCC\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 EF5EA818-C6D3-4DAD-A679-9F2225FF5138\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \ \cf6 8.4\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad 2\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 71F6EB99-D97C-46F0-A994-060E56FC60C8\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad 2\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 D2644D4F-61C4-4733-8599-858E14A6F3C5\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Retina\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 6A3DCD7C-6979-4CE9-BD92-460A85C43176\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Retina\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 38D65F87-38E1-47DC-A128-74802C894EB8\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Air\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 56F1C2CB-881F-4761-A1C0-8FCDF889E8DA\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Air\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 EC2C23F8-423C-4212-B9F4-040220E1D7F8\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 4s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 A7A4DCB3-D394-450D-8BBA-1DC9788A8D48\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 4s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 448E6643-8B93-4DCF-A2F2-7785EF7D3CB9\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 79249986-BBF2-499F-BAE2-926514AB2627\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 B0E0B3ED-C6D0-4A47-9944-6378F79860EB\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 F90B273E-57A8-45E6-943F-D6FF70E63D42\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 C56751B4-781B-4891-85A0-BDED3C496F46\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6 Plus\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 B297E772-3535-402D-AD65-8D29A938098D\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6 Plus\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 2BB27402-2C3A-4C40-B839-E81E5A1DBD9E\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 AE12822C-FADF-4CE1-AD7A-5967A761EF90\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 6C6975C3-C299-43CD-95B9-966F697886AB\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \ \cf6 9.0\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad 2\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 8D789D26-52E2-4CFB-ABBC-DCBE1012E034\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad 2\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 B1F03A0F-80AD-4E38-82D9-9930A8A0DEC2\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Retina\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 2D7C5592-97EF-4F68-A272-2E5A8B501FBA\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Retina\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 0D9DF2EC-6AFD-4583-AF28-FA82ACB4D28F\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Air\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 69978497-B180-4890-8118-CE9D68BE8BF7\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Air\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 B5E47EA3-9957-4386-A706-5F271D803975\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Air 2\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 D511C1CA-C1BD-4EA3-BFA8-B57515772B1F\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 4s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 08918DAD-72EF-42B3-823D-9EFDF15D8659\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 4s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 E5EB0176-76E0-446A-81CF-770F1633B5F4\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 7356985C-E771-41A3-8B7E-44588C68FCBE\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 E6E2EA5E-1C2B-4740-BEB4-B08C27CB8DED\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 DCB0BDB0-0CDD-4630-8B31-85FC216B5552\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 1A6A468B-ED25-4C4C-B19C-AD019752375F\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6 Plus\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 70098F3A-3427-4E39-B79E-504E959B41CE\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6 Plus\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 EE447499-BB80-4C88-82CC-2CF5F14662D8\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 9C82B721-35D8-4707-AF61-53EE1EE6A439\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 74FFA56E-C30D-4ACD-BBC4-59C029C946BA\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 CE83210F-F8B7-4F72-BAA4-94F6B82DF21B\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6s Plus\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 787F3092-62F1-44E1-91AF-4629DEA3AD76\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \ \cf6 9.1\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad 2\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 2CBE6872-A42D-4A75-BE61-2B5216E223CA\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad 2\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 C2AC25D4-8F47-4367-AEBC-BB3D0080F55F\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Retina\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 D66DFC3C-FE3D-405B-895B-9847839B2F3B\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Retina\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 2010EF2C-6288-4C9C-842F-945F49ED8893\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Air\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 67217BA4-7BA7-47C1-AA18-724137E26320\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Air\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 6DFD5AD5-10D5-4617-B93F-19149F895C1F\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Air 2\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 62977422-8A23-4145-B91A-008B14E620C5\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Pro\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 024DF3AA-036C-43FB-9C57-8E9BFAAA3FF2\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 4s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 9E8651BC-5F9D-41BD-8632-1FA6A980929F\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 4s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 AB311284-1638-4B43-A761-A2780A32AFA3\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 5204710E-CC1C-4E2C-A753-D3D45224559D\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 4D0C5A2F-DF60-402C-8CB6-603260009E2E\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 53885641-BAE4-4806-B391-37A51B85432C\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 FFB369BD-3852-4867-801D-275000C722F4\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6 Plus\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 5297A012-AA58-4F6C-86EC-572C7A914BA9\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6 Plus\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 297BD2C0-EF8E-43B6-B6A4-7E169DE47731\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 803308E3-7FE5-433D-A70B-D38C3E44BF88\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 D5C0EAC2-4A87-424C-8CD3-7024B22184C8\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 2D32D25D-1251-466A-BAC0-6571A853A5E1\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6s Plus\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 9C5F07F6-3599-4088-9F3F-CF6CAF2BF95E\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \ \cf6 9.2\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad 2\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 754B8D27-1CF6-4A26-9AC1-C6DE6216221E\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Retina\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 DCD3D960-1BD3-45FA-88D3-5CFCCEA0DCE2\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Air\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 D49D03E1-E9B4-4125-BE14-F202E9F7CBE5\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Air 2\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 0BBB5504-C6C4-461B-9AB9-D0E5D41E0321\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Pro\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 4AC9DD62-40B0-4323-A24E-1A5624495AB0\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 4s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 6C35D561-3029-48D8-AACE-BB2708A6C698\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 1CADA0C9-F57A-40C1-B812-E027566EFB14\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 6959A52A-D867-4323-A03A-4A3B82BD57CB\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6 Plus\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 FCA743AB-7C1A-4781-A529-590497FC6C2F\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 BBD69921-240B-4DC0-9C95-8FDD141481D6\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 6D15136D-EAD0-415A-B15C-68C87466A91F\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6s Plus\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 761BCF57-E334-4484-95D6-C6B2FC7F9A0B\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \ \cf6 9.3\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad 2\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 2A044009-AC03-429B-A532-E8CB4160B310\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Retina\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 E9DF9FF1-A740-4B5D-8A36-8C17CE1BFA7D\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Air\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 D8199240-ED63-4B24-A032-C52A58E8372E\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Air 2\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 401EB6E2-AAA5-4537-A94C-5401604085A4\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPad Pro\cf6 (ipad)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 F63F2666-11F2-4505-A650-2E8F220EAAAE\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 4s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 6CA4C5D7-0C08-4110-827D-B13DA7E2F37B\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 no\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 11349A9B-7BB7-4BD3-8DCE-1DA9FE3C3954\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 5s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 E088FC63-68D9-444A-A25E-2230EB4B7FEA\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6 Plus\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 4C81A7EB-7F50-4B16-A684-873EC4B7B389\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 064836BA-0497-496E-8A76-51A4F55BFE44\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6s\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 30F46B69-14B3-43EC-B702-E22D41644B4E\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \cf2 iPhone 6s Plus\cf6 (iphone)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 C8E13809-043C-435A-92A2-9791F9D7AB99\cf0 \ Supports Watch Apps = \cf3 yes\cf0 \ \ \f1\b WatchOS Simulators \f0\b0 \ \cf6 2.0\cf0 \ \cf2 Apple Watch - 38mm\cf6 (watch)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 4CCA2237-EDD7-4CA5-AC05-AA1401A8B227\cf0 \ \cf2 Apple Watch - 42mm\cf6 (watch)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 9241AD4E-88F3-4083-8AF8-3C395E9EC8EE\cf0 \ \ \cf6 2.1\cf0 \ \cf2 Apple Watch - 38mm\cf6 (watch)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 5FB7240F-A6BF-4116-AE0D-F8789FCED522\cf0 \ \cf2 Apple Watch - 42mm\cf6 (watch)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 8EBFA455-F8B9-44F1-970B-B37707BD3C0B\cf0 \ \ \cf6 2.2\cf0 \ \cf2 Apple Watch - 38mm\cf6 (watch)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 76E3E598-0FB0-47FD-8A9F-2F0FD6472B5F\cf0 \ \cf2 Apple Watch - 42mm\cf6 (watch)\cf0 \ UDID = \cf3 2B7E1220-2112-4A18-BAFE-8CE4B706DE27\cf0 \ \ \f1\b Connected iOS Devices \f0\b0 \ \cf6 None\cf0 \ \ \f1\b Android Issues \f0\b0 \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Android 2.1 (android-7) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Android 2.2 (android-8) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Android 2.3.1 (android-9) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by Titanium SDK\cf0 \ \cf5 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Android 2.3.3 (android-10) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by Titanium SDK\cf0 \ \cf5 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Android 3.0 (android-11) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Android 3.1 (android-12) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Android 3.2 (android-13) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Android 4.0 (android-14) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Android 4.0.3 (android-15) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by Titanium SDK\cf0 \ \cf5 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Android 4.1.2 (android-16) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by Titanium SDK\cf0 \ \cf5 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Android 4.2.2 (android-17) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by Titanium SDK\cf0 \ \cf5 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Android 4.3.1 (android-18) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by Titanium SDK\cf0 \ \cf5 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Android 4.4.2 (android-19) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by Titanium SDK\cf0 \ \cf5 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Android 4.4W.2 (android-20) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by Titanium SDK\cf0 \ \cf5 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Android 5.0.1 (android-21) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by Titanium SDK\cf0 \ \cf5 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Android 5.1.1 (android-22) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by Titanium SDK\cf0 \ \cf5 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Android 7.0 (android-24) \f0\b0 is too new and may or may not work with Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The maximum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Google APIs (Google Inc.:Google APIs:8) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by\cf0 \ \cf5 Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Google APIs (Google Inc.:Google APIs:10) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by\cf0 \ \cf5 Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Google APIs (Google Inc.:Google APIs:11) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by\cf0 \ \cf5 Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Google APIs (Google Inc.:Google APIs:12) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by\cf0 \ \cf5 Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Google APIs (Google Inc.:Google APIs:13) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by\cf0 \ \cf5 Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Google APIs (Google Inc.:Google APIs:14) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by\cf0 \ \cf5 Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Google APIs (Google Inc.:Google APIs:15) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by\cf0 \ \cf5 Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Google APIs (Google Inc.:Google APIs:16) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by\cf0 \ \cf5 Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Google APIs (Google Inc.:Google APIs:17) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by\cf0 \ \cf5 Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Google APIs (Google Inc.:Google APIs:18) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by\cf0 \ \cf5 Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Glass Development Kit Preview (Google Inc.:Glass Development Kit Preview:19) \f0\b0 is too\cf0 \ \cf5 old and is no longer supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Google APIs (x86 System Image) (Google Inc.:Google APIs (x86 System Image):19) \f0\b0 is\cf0 \ \cf5 too old and is no longer supported by Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Google APIs (Google Inc.:Google APIs:19) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by\cf0 \ \cf5 Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Google APIs (Google Inc.:Google APIs:21) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by\cf0 \ \cf5 Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Google APIs (Google Inc.:Google APIs:22) \f0\b0 is too old and is no longer supported by\cf0 \ \cf5 Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The minimum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Android API \f1\b Google APIs (Google Inc.:Google APIs:24) \f0\b0 is too new and may or may not work with\cf0 \ \cf5 Titanium SDK 6.0.0.\cf0 \ \cf5 The maximum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 6.0.0 is API level 23.\cf0 \ \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 The Android emulator "Nexus_6P_API_23" has a problem:\cf0 \ \cf5 Google Nexus 6P no longer exists as a device\cf0 \ \ \f1\b iOS Issues \f0\b0 \ \f1\b \cf5 ! \f0\b0 Unable to find any valid iOS adhoc provisioning profiles.\cf0 \ \cf5 This will prevent you from packaging apps for adhoc distribution.\cf0 \ \cf5 You will need to login into \f1\b http://appcelerator.com/ios-dist-certs \f0\b0 with your Apple Download\cf0 \ \cf5 account, then create, download, and install a profile.\cf0 \ \ eswars-macbook:~ v413248$ \ }