joef@JOEF ~/Documents/Enlighten (windows) $ appc ti info -p windows -o json { "os": { "name": "Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise", "version": "10.0.10586", "architecture": "32bit", "numcpus": 4, "memory": 8512741376 }, "node": { "version": "4.2.6" }, "npm": { "version": "2.14.12" }, "titanium": { "6.0.0.GA": { "version": "6.0.0", "path": "C:\\ProgramData\\Titanium\\mobilesdk\\win32\\6.0.0.GA", "platforms": [ "android", "mobileweb", "windows" ], "githash": "1aa3df8", "timestamp": "11/13/2016 09:27", "nodeAppcVer": "0.2.39" }, "5.5.1.GA": { "version": "5.5.1", "path": "C:\\ProgramData\\Titanium\\mobilesdk\\win32\\5.5.1.GA", "platforms": [ "android", "mobileweb", "windows" ], "githash": "b18727f", "timestamp": "09/27/16 05:38", "nodeAppcVer": "0.2.36" }, "5.5.0.GA": { "version": "5.5.0", "path": "C:\\ProgramData\\Titanium\\mobilesdk\\win32\\5.5.0.GA", "platforms": [ "android", "mobileweb", "windows" ], "githash": "44a2e3f", "timestamp": "09/13/16 12:38", "nodeAppcVer": "0.2.36" }, 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true, "installed": false, "memlimit": null }, "jdk": { "jdks": { "1.7.0_80": { "home": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jdk1.7.0_80", "version": "1.7.0", "build": "80", "executables": { "java": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jdk1.7.0_80\\bin\\java.exe", "javac": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jdk1.7.0_80\\bin\\javac.exe", "keytool": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jdk1.7.0_80\\bin\\keytool.exe", "jarsigner": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jdk1.7.0_80\\bin\\jarsigner.exe" }, "architecture": "32bit" } }, "home": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jdk1.7.0_80", "version": "1.7.0", "build": "80", "executables": { "java": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jdk1.7.0_80\\bin\\java.exe", "javac": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jdk1.7.0_80\\bin\\javac.exe", "keytool": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jdk1.7.0_80\\bin\\keytool.exe", "jarsigner": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jdk1.7.0_80\\bin\\jarsigner.exe" }, "issues": [], "architecture": "32bit" }, "genymotion": { "executables": { "genymotion": 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"type": "error", "message": "Unable to locate an Android SDK.\nIf you have already downloaded and installed the Android SDK, you can tell Titanium where the Android SDK is located by running '__titanium config android.sdkPath /path/to/android-sdk__', otherwise you can install it by running '__titanium setup android__' or manually downloading from __" } ], "tisdk": "5.5.1.GA", "emulators": [] }, "windows": { "detectVersion": "3.0", "issues": [], "assemblies": { "Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity.Interface": { "": { "assemblyFile": "C:\\WINDOWS\\Microsoft.NET\\assembly\\GAC_MSIL\\Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity.Interface\\v4.0_11.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\\Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity.Interface.dll", "dotNetVersion": "4.0", "assemblyVersion": "", "publicKeyToken": "b03f5f7f11d50a3a" }, "": { "assemblyFile": 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"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\8.1\\bin\\x64\\SignTool.exe" }, "makeCert": { "x86": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\8.1\\bin\\x86\\MakeCert.exe", "x64": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\8.1\\bin\\x64\\MakeCert.exe" }, "pvk2pfx": { "x86": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\8.1\\bin\\x86\\pvk2pfx.exe", "x64": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\8.1\\bin\\x64\\pvk2pfx.exe" }, "selected": true } }, "selectedVisualStudio": { "version": "14.0", "registryKey": "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\14.0_Config", "supported": true, "vcvarsall": "C:\\PROGRA~2\\MICROS~1.0\\VC\\VCVARS~1.BAT", "msbuildVersion": "14.0.25420.1", "wpsdk": null, "selected": true, "path": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\", "clrVersion": "v4.0.30319" }, "visualstudio": { "12.0": { "version": "12.0", "registryKey": "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\12.0_Config", "supported": true, "vcvarsall": 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