[INFO]   Starting Hyperloop assembly Processing inherited protocols of ABNewPersonViewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of ABNewPersonViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject does not inherit from any other protocols. Merging NSObject => ABNewPersonViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of ABPeoplePickerNavigationControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of ABPeoplePickerNavigationControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => ABPeoplePickerNavigationControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of ABPersonViewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of ABPersonViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => ABPersonViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of ABUnknownPersonViewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of ABUnknownPersonViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => ABUnknownPersonViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of ADBannerViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of ADBannerViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => ADBannerViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of ADInterstitialAdDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of ADInterstitialAdDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => ADInterstitialAdDelegate Processing inherited protocols of ARSCNViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of ARSCNViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of SCNSceneRendererDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of SCNSceneRendererDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SCNSceneRendererDelegate Merging SCNSceneRendererDelegate => ARSCNViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of ARSessionObserver Iterating over inherited protocols of ARSessionObserver Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => ARSessionObserver Merging ARSessionObserver => ARSCNViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of ARSKViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of ARSKViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of SKViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of SKViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SKViewDelegate Merging SKViewDelegate => ARSKViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of ARSessionObserver ARSessionObserver was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging ARSessionObserver => ARSKViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of ARSessionDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of ARSessionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of ARSessionObserver ARSessionObserver was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging ARSessionObserver => ARSessionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of ARSessionObserver ARSessionObserver was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of ARTrackable Iterating over inherited protocols of ARTrackable Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => ARTrackable Processing inherited protocols of AUAudioUnitFactory Iterating over inherited protocols of AUAudioUnitFactory Processing inherited protocols of NSExtensionRequestHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of NSExtensionRequestHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSExtensionRequestHandling Merging NSExtensionRequestHandling => AUAudioUnitFactory Processing inherited protocols of AVAssetDownloadDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVAssetDownloadDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSURLSessionTaskDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSURLSessionTaskDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSURLSessionDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSURLSessionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSURLSessionDelegate Merging NSURLSessionDelegate => NSURLSessionTaskDelegate Merging NSURLSessionTaskDelegate => AVAssetDownloadDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVAsynchronousKeyValueLoading AVAsynchronousKeyValueLoading does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of AVAudio3DMixing Iterating over inherited protocols of AVAudio3DMixing Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVAudio3DMixing Processing inherited protocols of AVAudioMixing Iterating over inherited protocols of AVAudioMixing Processing inherited protocols of AVAudioStereoMixing Iterating over inherited protocols of AVAudioStereoMixing Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVAudioStereoMixing Merging AVAudioStereoMixing => AVAudioMixing Processing inherited protocols of AVAudio3DMixing AVAudio3DMixing was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging AVAudio3DMixing => AVAudioMixing Processing inherited protocols of AVAudioPlayerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVAudioPlayerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVAudioPlayerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVAudioRecorderDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVAudioRecorderDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVAudioRecorderDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVAudioSessionDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVAudioSessionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVAudioSessionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVAudioStereoMixing AVAudioStereoMixing was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of AVCaptureAudioDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVCaptureAudioDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVCaptureAudioDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVCaptureDataOutputSynchronizerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVCaptureDataOutputSynchronizerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVCaptureDataOutputSynchronizerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVCaptureDepthDataOutputDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVCaptureDepthDataOutputDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVCaptureDepthDataOutputDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVCaptureFileOutputRecordingDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVCaptureFileOutputRecordingDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVCaptureFileOutputRecordingDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVCaptureMetadataOutputObjectsDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVCaptureMetadataOutputObjectsDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVCaptureMetadataOutputObjectsDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVCapturePhotoCaptureDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVCapturePhotoCaptureDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVCapturePhotoCaptureDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVContentKeyRecipient AVContentKeyRecipient does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of AVContentKeySessionDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVContentKeySessionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVContentKeySessionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVFragmentMinding AVFragmentMinding does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of AVPictureInPictureControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVPictureInPictureControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVPictureInPictureControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVPlayerItemLegibleOutputPushDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVPlayerItemLegibleOutputPushDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVPlayerItemOutputPushDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVPlayerItemOutputPushDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVPlayerItemOutputPushDelegate Merging AVPlayerItemOutputPushDelegate => AVPlayerItemLegibleOutputPushDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVPlayerItemMetadataCollectorPushDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVPlayerItemMetadataCollectorPushDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVPlayerItemMetadataCollectorPushDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVPlayerItemMetadataOutputPushDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVPlayerItemMetadataOutputPushDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVPlayerItemOutputPushDelegate AVPlayerItemOutputPushDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging AVPlayerItemOutputPushDelegate => AVPlayerItemMetadataOutputPushDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVPlayerItemOutputPullDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVPlayerItemOutputPullDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVPlayerItemOutputPullDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVPlayerItemOutputPushDelegate AVPlayerItemOutputPushDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of AVPlayerViewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVPlayerViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVPlayerViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVQueuedSampleBufferRendering Iterating over inherited protocols of AVQueuedSampleBufferRendering Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVQueuedSampleBufferRendering Processing inherited protocols of AVRoutePickerViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVRoutePickerViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVRoutePickerViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVSpeechSynthesizerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of AVSpeechSynthesizerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVSpeechSynthesizerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of AVVideoCompositing Iterating over inherited protocols of AVVideoCompositing Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVVideoCompositing Processing inherited protocols of AVVideoCompositionInstruction Iterating over inherited protocols of AVVideoCompositionInstruction Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVVideoCompositionInstruction Processing inherited protocols of AVVideoCompositionValidationHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of AVVideoCompositionValidationHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => AVVideoCompositionValidationHandling Processing inherited protocols of CAAction CAAction does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of CAAnimationDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of CAAnimationDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => CAAnimationDelegate Processing inherited protocols of CALayerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of CALayerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => CALayerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of CAMediaTiming CAMediaTiming does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of CAMetalDrawable Iterating over inherited protocols of CAMetalDrawable Processing inherited protocols of MTLDrawable Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLDrawable Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MTLDrawable Merging MTLDrawable => CAMetalDrawable Processing inherited protocols of CBCentralManagerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of CBCentralManagerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => CBCentralManagerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of CBPeripheralDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of CBPeripheralDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => CBPeripheralDelegate Processing inherited protocols of CBPeripheralManagerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of CBPeripheralManagerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => CBPeripheralManagerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of CIFilterConstructor CIFilterConstructor does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of CIImageProcessorInput CIImageProcessorInput does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of CIImageProcessorOutput CIImageProcessorOutput does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of CKRecordValue Iterating over inherited protocols of CKRecordValue Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => CKRecordValue Processing inherited protocols of CLLocationManagerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of CLLocationManagerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => CLLocationManagerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of CNContactPickerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of CNContactPickerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => CNContactPickerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of CNContactViewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of CNContactViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => CNContactViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of CNKeyDescriptor Iterating over inherited protocols of CNKeyDescriptor Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => CNKeyDescriptor Processing inherited protocols of NSSecureCoding Iterating over inherited protocols of NSSecureCoding Processing inherited protocols of NSCoding NSCoding does not inherit from any other protocols. Merging NSCoding => NSSecureCoding Merging NSSecureCoding => CNKeyDescriptor Processing inherited protocols of NSCopying NSCopying does not inherit from any other protocols. Merging NSCopying => CNKeyDescriptor Processing inherited protocols of CSSearchableIndexDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of CSSearchableIndexDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => CSSearchableIndexDelegate Processing inherited protocols of CXCallDirectoryExtensionContextDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of CXCallDirectoryExtensionContextDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => CXCallDirectoryExtensionContextDelegate Processing inherited protocols of CXCallObserverDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of CXCallObserverDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => CXCallObserverDelegate Processing inherited protocols of CXProviderDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of CXProviderDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => CXProviderDelegate Processing inherited protocols of EAAccessoryDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of EAAccessoryDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => EAAccessoryDelegate Processing inherited protocols of EAGLDrawable EAGLDrawable does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of EAWiFiUnconfiguredAccessoryBrowserDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of EAWiFiUnconfiguredAccessoryBrowserDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => EAWiFiUnconfiguredAccessoryBrowserDelegate Processing inherited protocols of EKCalendarChooserDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of EKCalendarChooserDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => EKCalendarChooserDelegate Processing inherited protocols of EKEventEditViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of EKEventEditViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => EKEventEditViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of EKEventViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of EKEventViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => EKEventViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of GKAgentDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of GKAgentDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => GKAgentDelegate Processing inherited protocols of GKChallengeListener Iterating over inherited protocols of GKChallengeListener Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => GKChallengeListener Processing inherited protocols of GKFriendRequestComposeViewControllerDelegate GKFriendRequestComposeViewControllerDelegate does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of GKGameCenterControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of GKGameCenterControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => GKGameCenterControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of GKGameModel Iterating over inherited protocols of GKGameModel Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => GKGameModel Processing inherited protocols of NSCopying NSCopying was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSCopying => GKGameModel Processing inherited protocols of GKGameModelPlayer Iterating over inherited protocols of GKGameModelPlayer Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => GKGameModelPlayer Processing inherited protocols of GKGameModelUpdate Iterating over inherited protocols of GKGameModelUpdate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => GKGameModelUpdate Processing inherited protocols of GKGameSessionEventListener Iterating over inherited protocols of GKGameSessionEventListener Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => GKGameSessionEventListener Processing inherited protocols of GKInviteEventListener GKInviteEventListener does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of GKLocalPlayerListener Iterating over inherited protocols of GKLocalPlayerListener Processing inherited protocols of GKChallengeListener GKChallengeListener was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging GKChallengeListener => GKLocalPlayerListener Processing inherited protocols of GKInviteEventListener GKInviteEventListener was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging GKInviteEventListener => GKLocalPlayerListener Processing inherited protocols of GKTurnBasedEventListener GKTurnBasedEventListener does not inherit from any other protocols. Merging GKTurnBasedEventListener => GKLocalPlayerListener Processing inherited protocols of GKSavedGameListener Iterating over inherited protocols of GKSavedGameListener Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => GKSavedGameListener Merging GKSavedGameListener => GKLocalPlayerListener Processing inherited protocols of GKMatchDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of GKMatchDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => GKMatchDelegate Processing inherited protocols of GKMatchmakerViewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of GKMatchmakerViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => GKMatchmakerViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of GKPeerPickerControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of GKPeerPickerControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => GKPeerPickerControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of GKRandom GKRandom does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of GKSavedGameListener GKSavedGameListener was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of GKSceneRootNodeType Iterating over inherited protocols of GKSceneRootNodeType Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => GKSceneRootNodeType Processing inherited protocols of GKSessionDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of GKSessionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => GKSessionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of GKStrategist Iterating over inherited protocols of GKStrategist Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => GKStrategist Processing inherited protocols of GKTurnBasedEventListener GKTurnBasedEventListener was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of GKVoiceChatClient Iterating over inherited protocols of GKVoiceChatClient Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => GKVoiceChatClient Processing inherited protocols of GLKNamedEffect GLKNamedEffect does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of GLKViewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of GLKViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => GLKViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of GLKViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of GLKViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => GLKViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of HMAccessoryBrowserDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of HMAccessoryBrowserDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => HMAccessoryBrowserDelegate Processing inherited protocols of HMAccessoryDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of HMAccessoryDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => HMAccessoryDelegate Processing inherited protocols of HMCameraSnapshotControlDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of HMCameraSnapshotControlDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => HMCameraSnapshotControlDelegate Processing inherited protocols of HMCameraStreamControlDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of HMCameraStreamControlDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => HMCameraStreamControlDelegate Processing inherited protocols of HMHomeDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of HMHomeDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => HMHomeDelegate Processing inherited protocols of HMHomeManagerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of HMHomeManagerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => HMHomeManagerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of ILMessageFilterQueryHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of ILMessageFilterQueryHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => ILMessageFilterQueryHandling Processing inherited protocols of INActivateCarSignalIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INActivateCarSignalIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INActivateCarSignalIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INAddTasksIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INAddTasksIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INAddTasksIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INAppendToNoteIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INAppendToNoteIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INAppendToNoteIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INBookRestaurantReservationIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INBookRestaurantReservationIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INBookRestaurantReservationIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INCallsDomainHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INCallsDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INStartAudioCallIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INStartAudioCallIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INStartAudioCallIntentHandling Merging INStartAudioCallIntentHandling => INCallsDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INStartVideoCallIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INStartVideoCallIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INStartVideoCallIntentHandling Merging INStartVideoCallIntentHandling => INCallsDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INSearchCallHistoryIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INSearchCallHistoryIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INSearchCallHistoryIntentHandling Merging INSearchCallHistoryIntentHandling => INCallsDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INCancelRideIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INCancelRideIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INCancelRideIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INCancelWorkoutIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INCancelWorkoutIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INCancelWorkoutIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INCarCommandsDomainHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INCarCommandsDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INActivateCarSignalIntentHandling INActivateCarSignalIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging INActivateCarSignalIntentHandling => INCarCommandsDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INSetCarLockStatusIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INSetCarLockStatusIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INSetCarLockStatusIntentHandling Merging INSetCarLockStatusIntentHandling => INCarCommandsDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INGetCarLockStatusIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INGetCarLockStatusIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INGetCarLockStatusIntentHandling Merging INGetCarLockStatusIntentHandling => INCarCommandsDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INGetCarPowerLevelStatusIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INGetCarPowerLevelStatusIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INGetCarPowerLevelStatusIntentHandling Merging INGetCarPowerLevelStatusIntentHandling => INCarCommandsDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INCarPlayDomainHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INCarPlayDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INSetAudioSourceInCarIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INSetAudioSourceInCarIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INSetAudioSourceInCarIntentHandling Merging INSetAudioSourceInCarIntentHandling => INCarPlayDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INSetClimateSettingsInCarIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INSetClimateSettingsInCarIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INSetClimateSettingsInCarIntentHandling Merging INSetClimateSettingsInCarIntentHandling => INCarPlayDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INSetDefrosterSettingsInCarIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INSetDefrosterSettingsInCarIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INSetDefrosterSettingsInCarIntentHandling Merging INSetDefrosterSettingsInCarIntentHandling => INCarPlayDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INSetSeatSettingsInCarIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INSetSeatSettingsInCarIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INSetSeatSettingsInCarIntentHandling Merging INSetSeatSettingsInCarIntentHandling => INCarPlayDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INSetProfileInCarIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INSetProfileInCarIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INSetProfileInCarIntentHandling Merging INSetProfileInCarIntentHandling => INCarPlayDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INSaveProfileInCarIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INSaveProfileInCarIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INSaveProfileInCarIntentHandling Merging INSaveProfileInCarIntentHandling => INCarPlayDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INCreateNoteIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INCreateNoteIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INCreateNoteIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INCreateTaskListIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INCreateTaskListIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INCreateTaskListIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INEndWorkoutIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INEndWorkoutIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INEndWorkoutIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INGetAvailableRestaurantReservationBookingDefaultsIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INGetAvailableRestaurantReservationBookingDefaultsIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INGetAvailableRestaurantReservationBookingDefaultsIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INGetAvailableRestaurantReservationBookingsIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INGetAvailableRestaurantReservationBookingsIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INGetAvailableRestaurantReservationBookingsIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INGetCarLockStatusIntentHandling INGetCarLockStatusIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INGetCarPowerLevelStatusIntentHandling INGetCarPowerLevelStatusIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INGetRestaurantGuestIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INGetRestaurantGuestIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INGetRestaurantGuestIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INGetRideStatusIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INGetRideStatusIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INGetRideStatusIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INGetRideStatusIntentResponseObserver Iterating over inherited protocols of INGetRideStatusIntentResponseObserver Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INGetRideStatusIntentResponseObserver Processing inherited protocols of INGetUserCurrentRestaurantReservationBookingsIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INGetUserCurrentRestaurantReservationBookingsIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INGetUserCurrentRestaurantReservationBookingsIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INGetVisualCodeIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INGetVisualCodeIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INGetVisualCodeIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INIntentHandlerProviding Iterating over inherited protocols of INIntentHandlerProviding Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INIntentHandlerProviding Processing inherited protocols of INListRideOptionsIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INListRideOptionsIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INListRideOptionsIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INMessagesDomainHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INMessagesDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INSendMessageIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INSendMessageIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INSendMessageIntentHandling Merging INSendMessageIntentHandling => INMessagesDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INSearchForMessagesIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INSearchForMessagesIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INSearchForMessagesIntentHandling Merging INSearchForMessagesIntentHandling => INMessagesDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INSetMessageAttributeIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INSetMessageAttributeIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INSetMessageAttributeIntentHandling Merging INSetMessageAttributeIntentHandling => INMessagesDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INNotebookDomainHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INNotebookDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INCreateNoteIntentHandling INCreateNoteIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging INCreateNoteIntentHandling => INNotebookDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INAppendToNoteIntentHandling INAppendToNoteIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging INAppendToNoteIntentHandling => INNotebookDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INAddTasksIntentHandling INAddTasksIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging INAddTasksIntentHandling => INNotebookDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INCreateTaskListIntentHandling INCreateTaskListIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging INCreateTaskListIntentHandling => INNotebookDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INSetTaskAttributeIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INSetTaskAttributeIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INSetTaskAttributeIntentHandling Merging INSetTaskAttributeIntentHandling => INNotebookDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INSearchForNotebookItemsIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INSearchForNotebookItemsIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INSearchForNotebookItemsIntentHandling Merging INSearchForNotebookItemsIntentHandling => INNotebookDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INPauseWorkoutIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INPauseWorkoutIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INPauseWorkoutIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INPayBillIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INPayBillIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INPayBillIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INPaymentsDomainHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INPaymentsDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INSendPaymentIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INSendPaymentIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INSendPaymentIntentHandling Merging INSendPaymentIntentHandling => INPaymentsDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INRequestPaymentIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INRequestPaymentIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INRequestPaymentIntentHandling Merging INRequestPaymentIntentHandling => INPaymentsDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INPhotosDomainHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INPhotosDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INSearchForPhotosIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INSearchForPhotosIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INSearchForPhotosIntentHandling Merging INSearchForPhotosIntentHandling => INPhotosDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INStartPhotoPlaybackIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INStartPhotoPlaybackIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INStartPhotoPlaybackIntentHandling Merging INStartPhotoPlaybackIntentHandling => INPhotosDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INRadioDomainHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INRadioDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INSetRadioStationIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INSetRadioStationIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INSetRadioStationIntentHandling Merging INSetRadioStationIntentHandling => INRadioDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INRequestPaymentIntentHandling INRequestPaymentIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INRequestRideIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INRequestRideIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INRequestRideIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INResumeWorkoutIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INResumeWorkoutIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INResumeWorkoutIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INRidesharingDomainHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INRidesharingDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INListRideOptionsIntentHandling INListRideOptionsIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging INListRideOptionsIntentHandling => INRidesharingDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INRequestRideIntentHandling INRequestRideIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging INRequestRideIntentHandling => INRidesharingDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INGetRideStatusIntentHandling INGetRideStatusIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging INGetRideStatusIntentHandling => INRidesharingDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INSaveProfileInCarIntentHandling INSaveProfileInCarIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INSearchCallHistoryIntentHandling INSearchCallHistoryIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INSearchForAccountsIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INSearchForAccountsIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INSearchForAccountsIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INSearchForBillsIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INSearchForBillsIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INSearchForBillsIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INSearchForMessagesIntentHandling INSearchForMessagesIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INSearchForNotebookItemsIntentHandling INSearchForNotebookItemsIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INSearchForPhotosIntentHandling INSearchForPhotosIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INSendMessageIntentHandling INSendMessageIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INSendPaymentIntentHandling INSendPaymentIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INSendRideFeedbackIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INSendRideFeedbackIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INSendRideFeedbackIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INSetAudioSourceInCarIntentHandling INSetAudioSourceInCarIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INSetCarLockStatusIntentHandling INSetCarLockStatusIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INSetClimateSettingsInCarIntentHandling INSetClimateSettingsInCarIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INSetDefrosterSettingsInCarIntentHandling INSetDefrosterSettingsInCarIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INSetMessageAttributeIntentHandling INSetMessageAttributeIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INSetProfileInCarIntentHandling INSetProfileInCarIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INSetRadioStationIntentHandling INSetRadioStationIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INSetSeatSettingsInCarIntentHandling INSetSeatSettingsInCarIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INSetTaskAttributeIntentHandling INSetTaskAttributeIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INSpeakable Iterating over inherited protocols of INSpeakable Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INSpeakable Processing inherited protocols of INStartAudioCallIntentHandling INStartAudioCallIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INStartPhotoPlaybackIntentHandling INStartPhotoPlaybackIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INStartVideoCallIntentHandling INStartVideoCallIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of INStartWorkoutIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INStartWorkoutIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INStartWorkoutIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INTransferMoneyIntentHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INTransferMoneyIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INTransferMoneyIntentHandling Processing inherited protocols of INUIHostedViewControlling Iterating over inherited protocols of INUIHostedViewControlling Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INUIHostedViewControlling Processing inherited protocols of INUIHostedViewSiriProviding Iterating over inherited protocols of INUIHostedViewSiriProviding Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => INUIHostedViewSiriProviding Processing inherited protocols of INVisualCodeDomainHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INVisualCodeDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INGetVisualCodeIntentHandling INGetVisualCodeIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging INGetVisualCodeIntentHandling => INVisualCodeDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INWorkoutsDomainHandling Iterating over inherited protocols of INWorkoutsDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INStartWorkoutIntentHandling INStartWorkoutIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging INStartWorkoutIntentHandling => INWorkoutsDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INPauseWorkoutIntentHandling INPauseWorkoutIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging INPauseWorkoutIntentHandling => INWorkoutsDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INEndWorkoutIntentHandling INEndWorkoutIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging INEndWorkoutIntentHandling => INWorkoutsDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INCancelWorkoutIntentHandling INCancelWorkoutIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging INCancelWorkoutIntentHandling => INWorkoutsDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of INResumeWorkoutIntentHandling INResumeWorkoutIntentHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging INResumeWorkoutIntentHandling => INWorkoutsDomainHandling Processing inherited protocols of JBBarChartViewDataSource Iterating over inherited protocols of JBBarChartViewDataSource Processing inherited protocols of JBChartViewDataSource Iterating over inherited protocols of JBChartViewDataSource Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => JBChartViewDataSource Merging JBChartViewDataSource => JBBarChartViewDataSource Processing inherited protocols of JBBarChartViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of JBBarChartViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of JBChartViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of JBChartViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => JBChartViewDelegate Merging JBChartViewDelegate => JBBarChartViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of JBChartViewDataSource JBChartViewDataSource was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of JBChartViewDelegate JBChartViewDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of JBGradientBarViewDataSource Iterating over inherited protocols of JBGradientBarViewDataSource Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => JBGradientBarViewDataSource Processing inherited protocols of JBLineChartDotsViewDataSource Iterating over inherited protocols of JBLineChartDotsViewDataSource Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => JBLineChartDotsViewDataSource Processing inherited protocols of JBLineChartLinesViewDataSource Iterating over inherited protocols of JBLineChartLinesViewDataSource Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => JBLineChartLinesViewDataSource Processing inherited protocols of JBLineChartViewDataSource Iterating over inherited protocols of JBLineChartViewDataSource Processing inherited protocols of JBChartViewDataSource JBChartViewDataSource was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging JBChartViewDataSource => JBLineChartViewDataSource Processing inherited protocols of JBLineChartViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of JBLineChartViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of JBChartViewDelegate JBChartViewDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging JBChartViewDelegate => JBLineChartViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of JSExport JSExport does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of MCAdvertiserAssistantDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of MCAdvertiserAssistantDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MCAdvertiserAssistantDelegate Processing inherited protocols of MCBrowserViewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of MCBrowserViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MCBrowserViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of MCNearbyServiceAdvertiserDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of MCNearbyServiceAdvertiserDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MCNearbyServiceAdvertiserDelegate Processing inherited protocols of MCNearbyServiceBrowserDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of MCNearbyServiceBrowserDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MCNearbyServiceBrowserDelegate Processing inherited protocols of MCSessionDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of MCSessionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MCSessionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of MDLAssetResolver Iterating over inherited protocols of MDLAssetResolver Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MDLAssetResolver Processing inherited protocols of MDLComponent Iterating over inherited protocols of MDLComponent Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MDLComponent Processing inherited protocols of MDLJointAnimation MDLJointAnimation does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of MDLLightProbeIrradianceDataSource Iterating over inherited protocols of MDLLightProbeIrradianceDataSource Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MDLLightProbeIrradianceDataSource Processing inherited protocols of MDLMeshBuffer Iterating over inherited protocols of MDLMeshBuffer Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MDLMeshBuffer Processing inherited protocols of NSCopying NSCopying was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSCopying => MDLMeshBuffer Processing inherited protocols of MDLMeshBufferAllocator Iterating over inherited protocols of MDLMeshBufferAllocator Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MDLMeshBufferAllocator Processing inherited protocols of MDLMeshBufferZone Iterating over inherited protocols of MDLMeshBufferZone Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MDLMeshBufferZone Processing inherited protocols of MDLNamed MDLNamed does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of MDLObjectContainerComponent Iterating over inherited protocols of MDLObjectContainerComponent Processing inherited protocols of MDLComponent MDLComponent was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging MDLComponent => MDLObjectContainerComponent Processing inherited protocols of NSFastEnumeration NSFastEnumeration does not inherit from any other protocols. Merging NSFastEnumeration => MDLObjectContainerComponent Processing inherited protocols of MDLTransformComponent Iterating over inherited protocols of MDLTransformComponent Processing inherited protocols of MDLComponent MDLComponent was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging MDLComponent => MDLTransformComponent Processing inherited protocols of MDLTransformOp MDLTransformOp does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of MFMessageComposeViewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of MFMessageComposeViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MFMessageComposeViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of MKAnnotation Iterating over inherited protocols of MKAnnotation Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MKAnnotation Processing inherited protocols of MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate Processing inherited protocols of MKMapViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of MKMapViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MKMapViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of MKOverlay Iterating over inherited protocols of MKOverlay Processing inherited protocols of MKAnnotation MKAnnotation was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging MKAnnotation => MKOverlay Processing inherited protocols of MLCustomLayer MLCustomLayer does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of MLFeatureProvider MLFeatureProvider does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of MPMediaPickerControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of MPMediaPickerControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MPMediaPickerControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of MPMediaPlayback MPMediaPlayback does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of MPPlayableContentDataSource Iterating over inherited protocols of MPPlayableContentDataSource Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MPPlayableContentDataSource Processing inherited protocols of MPPlayableContentDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of MPPlayableContentDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MPPlayableContentDelegate Processing inherited protocols of MPSCNNConvolutionDataSource Iterating over inherited protocols of MPSCNNConvolutionDataSource Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MPSCNNConvolutionDataSource Processing inherited protocols of MPSDeviceProvider MPSDeviceProvider does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of MPSHandle Iterating over inherited protocols of MPSHandle Processing inherited protocols of NSSecureCoding NSSecureCoding was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSSecureCoding => MPSHandle Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MPSHandle Processing inherited protocols of MPSImageAllocator Iterating over inherited protocols of MPSImageAllocator Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MPSImageAllocator Processing inherited protocols of NSSecureCoding NSSecureCoding was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSSecureCoding => MPSImageAllocator Processing inherited protocols of MPSImageSizeEncodingState Iterating over inherited protocols of MPSImageSizeEncodingState Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MPSImageSizeEncodingState Processing inherited protocols of MPSImageTransformProvider Iterating over inherited protocols of MPSImageTransformProvider Processing inherited protocols of NSSecureCoding NSSecureCoding was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSSecureCoding => MPSImageTransformProvider Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MPSImageTransformProvider Processing inherited protocols of MPSNNPadding Iterating over inherited protocols of MPSNNPadding Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MPSNNPadding Processing inherited protocols of NSSecureCoding NSSecureCoding was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSSecureCoding => MPSNNPadding Processing inherited protocols of MPSystemMusicPlayerController Iterating over inherited protocols of MPSystemMusicPlayerController Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MPSystemMusicPlayerController Processing inherited protocols of MSMessagesAppTranscriptPresentation MSMessagesAppTranscriptPresentation does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of MSStickerBrowserViewDataSource Iterating over inherited protocols of MSStickerBrowserViewDataSource Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MSStickerBrowserViewDataSource Processing inherited protocols of MTKViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of MTKViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MTKViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of MTLArgumentEncoder Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLArgumentEncoder Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MTLArgumentEncoder Processing inherited protocols of MTLBlitCommandEncoder Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLBlitCommandEncoder Processing inherited protocols of MTLCommandEncoder Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLCommandEncoder Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MTLCommandEncoder Merging MTLCommandEncoder => MTLBlitCommandEncoder Processing inherited protocols of MTLBuffer Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLBuffer Processing inherited protocols of MTLResource Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLResource Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MTLResource Merging MTLResource => MTLBuffer Processing inherited protocols of MTLCaptureScope Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLCaptureScope Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MTLCaptureScope Processing inherited protocols of MTLCommandBuffer Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLCommandBuffer Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MTLCommandBuffer Processing inherited protocols of MTLCommandEncoder MTLCommandEncoder was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of MTLCommandQueue Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLCommandQueue Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MTLCommandQueue Processing inherited protocols of MTLComputeCommandEncoder Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLComputeCommandEncoder Processing inherited protocols of MTLCommandEncoder MTLCommandEncoder was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging MTLCommandEncoder => MTLComputeCommandEncoder Processing inherited protocols of MTLComputePipelineState Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLComputePipelineState Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MTLComputePipelineState Processing inherited protocols of MTLDepthStencilState Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLDepthStencilState Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MTLDepthStencilState Processing inherited protocols of MTLDevice Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLDevice Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MTLDevice Processing inherited protocols of MTLDrawable MTLDrawable was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of MTLFence Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLFence Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MTLFence Processing inherited protocols of MTLFunction Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLFunction Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MTLFunction Processing inherited protocols of MTLHeap Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLHeap Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MTLHeap Processing inherited protocols of MTLLibrary Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLLibrary Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MTLLibrary Processing inherited protocols of MTLParallelRenderCommandEncoder Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLParallelRenderCommandEncoder Processing inherited protocols of MTLCommandEncoder MTLCommandEncoder was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging MTLCommandEncoder => MTLParallelRenderCommandEncoder Processing inherited protocols of MTLRenderCommandEncoder Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLRenderCommandEncoder Processing inherited protocols of MTLCommandEncoder MTLCommandEncoder was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging MTLCommandEncoder => MTLRenderCommandEncoder Processing inherited protocols of MTLRenderPipelineState Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLRenderPipelineState Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MTLRenderPipelineState Processing inherited protocols of MTLResource MTLResource was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of MTLSamplerState Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLSamplerState Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => MTLSamplerState Processing inherited protocols of MTLTexture Iterating over inherited protocols of MTLTexture Processing inherited protocols of MTLResource MTLResource was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging MTLResource => MTLTexture Processing inherited protocols of NCWidgetProviding Iterating over inherited protocols of NCWidgetProviding Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NCWidgetProviding Processing inherited protocols of NFCISO15693Tag Iterating over inherited protocols of NFCISO15693Tag Processing inherited protocols of NFCTag Iterating over inherited protocols of NFCTag Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NFCTag Processing inherited protocols of NSSecureCoding NSSecureCoding was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSSecureCoding => NFCTag Processing inherited protocols of NSCopying NSCopying was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSCopying => NFCTag Merging NFCTag => NFCISO15693Tag Processing inherited protocols of NFCNDEFReaderSessionDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NFCNDEFReaderSessionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NFCNDEFReaderSessionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NFCReaderSession Iterating over inherited protocols of NFCReaderSession Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NFCReaderSession Processing inherited protocols of NFCReaderSessionDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NFCReaderSessionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NFCReaderSessionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NFCTag NFCTag was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of NSCacheDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSCacheDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSCacheDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSCoding NSCoding was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of NSCopying NSCopying was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of NSDecimalNumberBehaviors NSDecimalNumberBehaviors does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of NSDiscardableContent NSDiscardableContent does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of NSExtensionRequestHandling NSExtensionRequestHandling was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of NSFastEnumeration NSFastEnumeration was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of NSFetchRequestResult Iterating over inherited protocols of NSFetchRequestResult Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSFetchRequestResult Processing inherited protocols of NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of NSFileManagerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSFileManagerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSFileManagerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSFilePresenter Iterating over inherited protocols of NSFilePresenter Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSFilePresenter Processing inherited protocols of NSFileProviderChangeObserver Iterating over inherited protocols of NSFileProviderChangeObserver Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSFileProviderChangeObserver Processing inherited protocols of NSFileProviderEnumerationObserver Iterating over inherited protocols of NSFileProviderEnumerationObserver Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSFileProviderEnumerationObserver Processing inherited protocols of NSFileProviderEnumerator Iterating over inherited protocols of NSFileProviderEnumerator Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSFileProviderEnumerator Processing inherited protocols of NSFileProviderItem Iterating over inherited protocols of NSFileProviderItem Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSFileProviderItem Processing inherited protocols of NSFileProviderServiceSource NSFileProviderServiceSource does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of NSItemProviderReading Iterating over inherited protocols of NSItemProviderReading Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSItemProviderReading Processing inherited protocols of NSItemProviderWriting Iterating over inherited protocols of NSItemProviderWriting Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSItemProviderWriting Processing inherited protocols of NSKeyedArchiverDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSKeyedArchiverDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSKeyedArchiverDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSKeyedUnarchiverDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSKeyedUnarchiverDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSKeyedUnarchiverDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSLayoutManagerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSLayoutManagerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSLayoutManagerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSLocking NSLocking does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of NSMachPortDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSMachPortDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSPortDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSPortDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSPortDelegate Merging NSPortDelegate => NSMachPortDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSMetadataQueryDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSMetadataQueryDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSMetadataQueryDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSMutableCopying NSMutableCopying does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSNetServiceDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSNetServiceDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSNetServiceDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of NSPortDelegate NSPortDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of NSProgressReporting Iterating over inherited protocols of NSProgressReporting Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSProgressReporting Processing inherited protocols of NSSecureCoding NSSecureCoding was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of NSStreamDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSStreamDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSStreamDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSTextAttachmentContainer Iterating over inherited protocols of NSTextAttachmentContainer Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSTextAttachmentContainer Processing inherited protocols of NSTextLayoutOrientationProvider NSTextLayoutOrientationProvider does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of NSTextStorageDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSTextStorageDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSTextStorageDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSURLAuthenticationChallengeSender Iterating over inherited protocols of NSURLAuthenticationChallengeSender Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSURLAuthenticationChallengeSender Processing inherited protocols of NSURLConnectionDataDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSURLConnectionDataDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSURLConnectionDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSURLConnectionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSURLConnectionDelegate Merging NSURLConnectionDelegate => NSURLConnectionDataDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSURLConnectionDelegate NSURLConnectionDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of NSURLConnectionDownloadDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSURLConnectionDownloadDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSURLConnectionDelegate NSURLConnectionDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSURLConnectionDelegate => NSURLConnectionDownloadDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSURLProtocolClient Iterating over inherited protocols of NSURLProtocolClient Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSURLProtocolClient Processing inherited protocols of NSURLSessionDataDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSURLSessionDataDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSURLSessionTaskDelegate NSURLSessionTaskDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSURLSessionTaskDelegate => NSURLSessionDataDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSURLSessionDelegate NSURLSessionDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of NSURLSessionDownloadDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSURLSessionDownloadDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSURLSessionTaskDelegate NSURLSessionTaskDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSURLSessionTaskDelegate => NSURLSessionDownloadDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSURLSessionStreamDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSURLSessionStreamDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSURLSessionTaskDelegate NSURLSessionTaskDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSURLSessionTaskDelegate => NSURLSessionStreamDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSURLSessionTaskDelegate NSURLSessionTaskDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of NSUserActivityDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSUserActivityDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSUserActivityDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSXMLParserDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSXMLParserDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSXMLParserDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSXPCListenerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NSXPCListenerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NSXPCListenerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSXPCProxyCreating NSXPCProxyCreating does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of NWTCPConnectionAuthenticationDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of NWTCPConnectionAuthenticationDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => NWTCPConnectionAuthenticationDelegate Processing inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_data Iterating over inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_data Processing inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_object Iterating over inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_object Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => OS_dispatch_object Merging OS_dispatch_object => OS_dispatch_data Processing inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_group Iterating over inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_group Processing inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_object OS_dispatch_object was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging OS_dispatch_object => OS_dispatch_group Processing inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_io Iterating over inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_io Processing inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_object OS_dispatch_object was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging OS_dispatch_object => OS_dispatch_io Processing inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_object OS_dispatch_object was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_queue Iterating over inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_queue Processing inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_object OS_dispatch_object was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging OS_dispatch_object => OS_dispatch_queue Processing inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_queue_attr Iterating over inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_queue_attr Processing inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_object OS_dispatch_object was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging OS_dispatch_object => OS_dispatch_queue_attr Processing inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_semaphore Iterating over inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_semaphore Processing inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_object OS_dispatch_object was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging OS_dispatch_object => OS_dispatch_semaphore Processing inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_source Iterating over inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_source Processing inherited protocols of OS_dispatch_object OS_dispatch_object was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging OS_dispatch_object => OS_dispatch_source Processing inherited protocols of OS_la_object Iterating over inherited protocols of OS_la_object Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => OS_la_object Processing inherited protocols of PDFDocumentDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of PDFDocumentDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => PDFDocumentDelegate Processing inherited protocols of PDFViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of PDFViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => PDFViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of PHContentEditingController Iterating over inherited protocols of PHContentEditingController Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => PHContentEditingController Processing inherited protocols of PHLivePhotoFrame PHLivePhotoFrame does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of PHLivePhotoViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of PHLivePhotoViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => PHLivePhotoViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of PHPhotoLibraryChangeObserver Iterating over inherited protocols of PHPhotoLibraryChangeObserver Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => PHPhotoLibraryChangeObserver Processing inherited protocols of PKAddPassesViewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of PKAddPassesViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => PKAddPassesViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of PKAddPaymentPassViewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of PKAddPaymentPassViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => PKAddPaymentPassViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of PKPaymentAuthorizationControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of PKPaymentAuthorizationControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => PKPaymentAuthorizationControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of PKPaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of PKPaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => PKPaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of PKPushRegistryDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of PKPushRegistryDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => PKPushRegistryDelegate Processing inherited protocols of QLPreviewControllerDataSource QLPreviewControllerDataSource does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of QLPreviewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of QLPreviewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => QLPreviewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of QLPreviewItem Iterating over inherited protocols of QLPreviewItem Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => QLPreviewItem Processing inherited protocols of QLPreviewingController Iterating over inherited protocols of QLPreviewingController Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => QLPreviewingController Processing inherited protocols of RPBroadcastActivityViewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of RPBroadcastActivityViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => RPBroadcastActivityViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of RPBroadcastControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of RPBroadcastControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => RPBroadcastControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of RPPreviewViewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of RPPreviewViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => RPPreviewViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of RPScreenRecorderDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of RPScreenRecorderDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => RPScreenRecorderDelegate Processing inherited protocols of SCNActionable Iterating over inherited protocols of SCNActionable Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SCNActionable Processing inherited protocols of SCNAnimatable Iterating over inherited protocols of SCNAnimatable Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SCNAnimatable Processing inherited protocols of SCNAnimation Iterating over inherited protocols of SCNAnimation Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SCNAnimation Processing inherited protocols of SCNAvoidOccluderConstraintDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of SCNAvoidOccluderConstraintDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SCNAvoidOccluderConstraintDelegate Processing inherited protocols of SCNBoundingVolume Iterating over inherited protocols of SCNBoundingVolume Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SCNBoundingVolume Processing inherited protocols of SCNBufferStream Iterating over inherited protocols of SCNBufferStream Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SCNBufferStream Processing inherited protocols of SCNCameraControlConfiguration Iterating over inherited protocols of SCNCameraControlConfiguration Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SCNCameraControlConfiguration Processing inherited protocols of SCNCameraControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of SCNCameraControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SCNCameraControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of SCNNodeRendererDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of SCNNodeRendererDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SCNNodeRendererDelegate Processing inherited protocols of SCNPhysicsContactDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of SCNPhysicsContactDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SCNPhysicsContactDelegate Processing inherited protocols of SCNProgramDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of SCNProgramDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SCNProgramDelegate Processing inherited protocols of SCNSceneExportDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of SCNSceneExportDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SCNSceneExportDelegate Processing inherited protocols of SCNSceneRenderer Iterating over inherited protocols of SCNSceneRenderer Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SCNSceneRenderer Processing inherited protocols of SCNSceneRendererDelegate SCNSceneRendererDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of SCNShadable Iterating over inherited protocols of SCNShadable Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SCNShadable Processing inherited protocols of SCNTechniqueSupport Iterating over inherited protocols of SCNTechniqueSupport Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SCNTechniqueSupport Processing inherited protocols of SFSafariViewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of SFSafariViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SFSafariViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of SFSpeechRecognitionTaskDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of SFSpeechRecognitionTaskDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SFSpeechRecognitionTaskDelegate Processing inherited protocols of SFSpeechRecognizerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of SFSpeechRecognizerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SFSpeechRecognizerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of SKCloudServiceSetupViewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of SKCloudServiceSetupViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SKCloudServiceSetupViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of SKPaymentTransactionObserver Iterating over inherited protocols of SKPaymentTransactionObserver Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SKPaymentTransactionObserver Processing inherited protocols of SKPhysicsContactDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of SKPhysicsContactDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SKPhysicsContactDelegate Processing inherited protocols of SKProductsRequestDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of SKProductsRequestDelegate Processing inherited protocols of SKRequestDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of SKRequestDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SKRequestDelegate Merging SKRequestDelegate => SKProductsRequestDelegate Processing inherited protocols of SKRequestDelegate SKRequestDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of SKSceneDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of SKSceneDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SKSceneDelegate Processing inherited protocols of SKStoreProductViewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of SKStoreProductViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SKStoreProductViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of SKViewDelegate SKViewDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of SKWarpable Iterating over inherited protocols of SKWarpable Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => SKWarpable Processing inherited protocols of UIAccelerometerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIAccelerometerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIAccelerometerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIAccessibilityContainerDataTable Iterating over inherited protocols of UIAccessibilityContainerDataTable Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIAccessibilityContainerDataTable Processing inherited protocols of UIAccessibilityContainerDataTableCell Iterating over inherited protocols of UIAccessibilityContainerDataTableCell Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIAccessibilityContainerDataTableCell Processing inherited protocols of UIAccessibilityContentSizeCategoryImageAdjusting Iterating over inherited protocols of UIAccessibilityContentSizeCategoryImageAdjusting Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIAccessibilityContentSizeCategoryImageAdjusting Processing inherited protocols of UIAccessibilityIdentification Iterating over inherited protocols of UIAccessibilityIdentification Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIAccessibilityIdentification Processing inherited protocols of UIAccessibilityReadingContent UIAccessibilityReadingContent does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of UIActionSheetDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIActionSheetDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIActionSheetDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIActivityItemSource Iterating over inherited protocols of UIActivityItemSource Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIActivityItemSource Processing inherited protocols of UIAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIAlertViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIAlertViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIAlertViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIAppearance Iterating over inherited protocols of UIAppearance Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIAppearance Processing inherited protocols of UIAppearanceContainer Iterating over inherited protocols of UIAppearanceContainer Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIAppearanceContainer Processing inherited protocols of UIApplicationDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIApplicationDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIApplicationDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIBarPositioning Iterating over inherited protocols of UIBarPositioning Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIBarPositioning Processing inherited protocols of UIBarPositioningDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIBarPositioningDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIBarPositioningDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UICloudSharingControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UICloudSharingControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UICloudSharingControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UICollectionViewDataSource Iterating over inherited protocols of UICollectionViewDataSource Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UICollectionViewDataSource Processing inherited protocols of UICollectionViewDataSourcePrefetching Iterating over inherited protocols of UICollectionViewDataSourcePrefetching Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UICollectionViewDataSourcePrefetching Processing inherited protocols of UICollectionViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UICollectionViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIScrollViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIScrollViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIScrollViewDelegate Merging UIScrollViewDelegate => UICollectionViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout Iterating over inherited protocols of UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout Processing inherited protocols of UICollectionViewDelegate UICollectionViewDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging UICollectionViewDelegate => UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout Processing inherited protocols of UICollectionViewDragDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UICollectionViewDragDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UICollectionViewDragDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UICollectionViewDropCoordinator Iterating over inherited protocols of UICollectionViewDropCoordinator Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UICollectionViewDropCoordinator Processing inherited protocols of UICollectionViewDropDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UICollectionViewDropDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UICollectionViewDropDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UICollectionViewDropItem Iterating over inherited protocols of UICollectionViewDropItem Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UICollectionViewDropItem Processing inherited protocols of UICollectionViewDropPlaceholderContext Iterating over inherited protocols of UICollectionViewDropPlaceholderContext Processing inherited protocols of UIDragAnimating Iterating over inherited protocols of UIDragAnimating Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIDragAnimating Merging UIDragAnimating => UICollectionViewDropPlaceholderContext Processing inherited protocols of UICollisionBehaviorDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UICollisionBehaviorDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UICollisionBehaviorDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIContentContainer Iterating over inherited protocols of UIContentContainer Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIContentContainer Processing inherited protocols of UIContentSizeCategoryAdjusting Iterating over inherited protocols of UIContentSizeCategoryAdjusting Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIContentSizeCategoryAdjusting Processing inherited protocols of UICoordinateSpace Iterating over inherited protocols of UICoordinateSpace Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UICoordinateSpace Processing inherited protocols of UIDataSourceModelAssociation UIDataSourceModelAssociation does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of UIDataSourceTranslating Iterating over inherited protocols of UIDataSourceTranslating Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIDataSourceTranslating Processing inherited protocols of UIDocumentBrowserViewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIDocumentBrowserViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIDocumentBrowserViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIDocumentInteractionControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIDocumentInteractionControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIDocumentInteractionControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIDocumentMenuDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIDocumentMenuDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIDocumentMenuDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIDocumentPickerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIDocumentPickerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIDocumentPickerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIDragAnimating UIDragAnimating was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of UIDragDropSession Iterating over inherited protocols of UIDragDropSession Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIDragDropSession Processing inherited protocols of UIDragInteractionDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIDragInteractionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIDragInteractionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIDragSession Iterating over inherited protocols of UIDragSession Processing inherited protocols of UIDragDropSession UIDragDropSession was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging UIDragDropSession => UIDragSession Processing inherited protocols of UIDropInteractionDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIDropInteractionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIDropInteractionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIDropSession Iterating over inherited protocols of UIDropSession Processing inherited protocols of UIDragDropSession UIDragDropSession was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging UIDragDropSession => UIDropSession Processing inherited protocols of NSProgressReporting NSProgressReporting was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSProgressReporting => UIDropSession Processing inherited protocols of UIDynamicAnimatorDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIDynamicAnimatorDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIDynamicAnimatorDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIDynamicItem Iterating over inherited protocols of UIDynamicItem Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIDynamicItem Processing inherited protocols of UIFocusAnimationContext Iterating over inherited protocols of UIFocusAnimationContext Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIFocusAnimationContext Processing inherited protocols of UIFocusDebuggerOutput Iterating over inherited protocols of UIFocusDebuggerOutput Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIFocusDebuggerOutput Processing inherited protocols of UIFocusEnvironment Iterating over inherited protocols of UIFocusEnvironment Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIFocusEnvironment Processing inherited protocols of UIFocusItem Iterating over inherited protocols of UIFocusItem Processing inherited protocols of UIFocusEnvironment UIFocusEnvironment was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging UIFocusEnvironment => UIFocusItem Processing inherited protocols of UIGestureRecognizerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIGestureRecognizerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIGestureRecognizerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIGuidedAccessRestrictionDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIGuidedAccessRestrictionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIGuidedAccessRestrictionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIImagePickerControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIImagePickerControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIImagePickerControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIInputViewAudioFeedback Iterating over inherited protocols of UIInputViewAudioFeedback Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIInputViewAudioFeedback Processing inherited protocols of UIInteraction Iterating over inherited protocols of UIInteraction Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIInteraction Processing inherited protocols of UIItemProviderPresentationSizeProviding Iterating over inherited protocols of UIItemProviderPresentationSizeProviding Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIItemProviderPresentationSizeProviding Processing inherited protocols of UIKeyInput Iterating over inherited protocols of UIKeyInput Processing inherited protocols of UITextInputTraits Iterating over inherited protocols of UITextInputTraits Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UITextInputTraits Merging UITextInputTraits => UIKeyInput Processing inherited protocols of UILayoutSupport Iterating over inherited protocols of UILayoutSupport Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UILayoutSupport Processing inherited protocols of UINavigationBarDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UINavigationBarDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIBarPositioningDelegate UIBarPositioningDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging UIBarPositioningDelegate => UINavigationBarDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UINavigationControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UINavigationControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UINavigationControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIObjectRestoration UIObjectRestoration does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of UIPageViewControllerDataSource Iterating over inherited protocols of UIPageViewControllerDataSource Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIPageViewControllerDataSource Processing inherited protocols of UIPageViewControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIPageViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIPageViewControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIPasteConfigurationSupporting Iterating over inherited protocols of UIPasteConfigurationSupporting Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIPasteConfigurationSupporting Processing inherited protocols of UIPickerViewAccessibilityDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIPickerViewAccessibilityDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIPickerViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIPickerViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIPickerViewDelegate Merging UIPickerViewDelegate => UIPickerViewAccessibilityDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIPickerViewDataSource Iterating over inherited protocols of UIPickerViewDataSource Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIPickerViewDataSource Processing inherited protocols of UIPickerViewDelegate UIPickerViewDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of UIPopoverBackgroundViewMethods UIPopoverBackgroundViewMethods does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of UIPopoverControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIPopoverControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIPopoverControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIPopoverPresentationControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIPopoverPresentationControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegate UIAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging UIAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegate => UIPopoverPresentationControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIPreviewActionItem Iterating over inherited protocols of UIPreviewActionItem Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIPreviewActionItem Processing inherited protocols of UIPreviewInteractionDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIPreviewInteractionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIPreviewInteractionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIPrintInteractionControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIPrintInteractionControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIPrintInteractionControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIPrinterPickerControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIPrinterPickerControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIPrinterPickerControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIResponderStandardEditActions Iterating over inherited protocols of UIResponderStandardEditActions Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIResponderStandardEditActions Processing inherited protocols of UIScrollViewAccessibilityDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIScrollViewAccessibilityDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIScrollViewDelegate UIScrollViewDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging UIScrollViewDelegate => UIScrollViewAccessibilityDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIScrollViewDelegate UIScrollViewDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of UISearchBarDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UISearchBarDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIBarPositioningDelegate UIBarPositioningDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging UIBarPositioningDelegate => UISearchBarDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UISearchControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UISearchControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UISearchControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UISearchDisplayDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UISearchDisplayDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UISearchDisplayDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UISearchResultsUpdating Iterating over inherited protocols of UISearchResultsUpdating Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UISearchResultsUpdating Processing inherited protocols of UISplitViewControllerDelegate UISplitViewControllerDelegate does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of UISpringLoadedInteractionBehavior Iterating over inherited protocols of UISpringLoadedInteractionBehavior Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UISpringLoadedInteractionBehavior Processing inherited protocols of UISpringLoadedInteractionContext Iterating over inherited protocols of UISpringLoadedInteractionContext Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UISpringLoadedInteractionContext Processing inherited protocols of UISpringLoadedInteractionEffect Iterating over inherited protocols of UISpringLoadedInteractionEffect Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UISpringLoadedInteractionEffect Processing inherited protocols of UISpringLoadedInteractionSupporting Iterating over inherited protocols of UISpringLoadedInteractionSupporting Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UISpringLoadedInteractionSupporting Processing inherited protocols of UIStateRestoring Iterating over inherited protocols of UIStateRestoring Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIStateRestoring Processing inherited protocols of UITabBarControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UITabBarControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UITabBarControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UITabBarDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UITabBarDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UITabBarDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UITableViewDataSource Iterating over inherited protocols of UITableViewDataSource Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UITableViewDataSource Processing inherited protocols of UITableViewDataSourcePrefetching Iterating over inherited protocols of UITableViewDataSourcePrefetching Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UITableViewDataSourcePrefetching Processing inherited protocols of UITableViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UITableViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UITableViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIScrollViewDelegate UIScrollViewDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging UIScrollViewDelegate => UITableViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UITableViewDragDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UITableViewDragDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UITableViewDragDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UITableViewDropCoordinator Iterating over inherited protocols of UITableViewDropCoordinator Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UITableViewDropCoordinator Processing inherited protocols of UITableViewDropDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UITableViewDropDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UITableViewDropDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UITableViewDropItem Iterating over inherited protocols of UITableViewDropItem Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UITableViewDropItem Processing inherited protocols of UITableViewDropPlaceholderContext Iterating over inherited protocols of UITableViewDropPlaceholderContext Processing inherited protocols of UIDragAnimating UIDragAnimating was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging UIDragAnimating => UITableViewDropPlaceholderContext Processing inherited protocols of UITextDocumentProxy Iterating over inherited protocols of UITextDocumentProxy Processing inherited protocols of UIKeyInput UIKeyInput was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging UIKeyInput => UITextDocumentProxy Processing inherited protocols of UITextDragDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UITextDragDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UITextDragDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UITextDragRequest Iterating over inherited protocols of UITextDragRequest Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UITextDragRequest Processing inherited protocols of UITextDraggable Iterating over inherited protocols of UITextDraggable Processing inherited protocols of UITextInput Iterating over inherited protocols of UITextInput Processing inherited protocols of UIKeyInput UIKeyInput was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging UIKeyInput => UITextInput Merging UITextInput => UITextDraggable Processing inherited protocols of UITextDropDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UITextDropDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UITextDropDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UITextDropRequest Iterating over inherited protocols of UITextDropRequest Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UITextDropRequest Processing inherited protocols of UITextDroppable Iterating over inherited protocols of UITextDroppable Processing inherited protocols of UITextInput UITextInput was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging UITextInput => UITextDroppable Processing inherited protocols of UITextPasteConfigurationSupporting Iterating over inherited protocols of UITextPasteConfigurationSupporting Processing inherited protocols of UIPasteConfigurationSupporting UIPasteConfigurationSupporting was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging UIPasteConfigurationSupporting => UITextPasteConfigurationSupporting Merging UITextPasteConfigurationSupporting => UITextDroppable Processing inherited protocols of UITextFieldDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UITextFieldDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UITextFieldDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UITextInput UITextInput was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of UITextInputDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UITextInputDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UITextInputDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UITextInputTokenizer Iterating over inherited protocols of UITextInputTokenizer Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UITextInputTokenizer Processing inherited protocols of UITextInputTraits UITextInputTraits was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of UITextPasteConfigurationSupporting UITextPasteConfigurationSupporting was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of UITextPasteDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UITextPasteDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UITextPasteDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UITextPasteItem Iterating over inherited protocols of UITextPasteItem Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UITextPasteItem Processing inherited protocols of UITextViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UITextViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UITextViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIScrollViewDelegate UIScrollViewDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging UIScrollViewDelegate => UITextViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UITimingCurveProvider Iterating over inherited protocols of UITimingCurveProvider Processing inherited protocols of NSCoding NSCoding was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSCoding => UITimingCurveProvider Processing inherited protocols of NSCopying NSCopying was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSCopying => UITimingCurveProvider Processing inherited protocols of UIToolbarDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIToolbarDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIBarPositioningDelegate UIBarPositioningDelegate was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging UIBarPositioningDelegate => UIToolbarDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UITraitEnvironment Iterating over inherited protocols of UITraitEnvironment Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UITraitEnvironment Processing inherited protocols of UIVideoEditorControllerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIVideoEditorControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIVideoEditorControllerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIViewAnimating Iterating over inherited protocols of UIViewAnimating Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIViewAnimating Processing inherited protocols of UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning Iterating over inherited protocols of UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning Processing inherited protocols of UIViewControllerContextTransitioning Iterating over inherited protocols of UIViewControllerContextTransitioning Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIViewControllerContextTransitioning Processing inherited protocols of UIViewControllerInteractiveTransitioning Iterating over inherited protocols of UIViewControllerInteractiveTransitioning Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIViewControllerInteractiveTransitioning Processing inherited protocols of UIViewControllerPreviewing Iterating over inherited protocols of UIViewControllerPreviewing Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIViewControllerPreviewing Processing inherited protocols of UIViewControllerPreviewingDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIViewControllerPreviewingDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIViewControllerPreviewingDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIViewControllerRestoration UIViewControllerRestoration does not inherit from any other protocols. Processing inherited protocols of UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator Iterating over inherited protocols of UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator Processing inherited protocols of UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinatorContext Iterating over inherited protocols of UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinatorContext Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinatorContext Merging UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinatorContext => UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator Processing inherited protocols of UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinatorContext UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinatorContext was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Processing inherited protocols of UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UIViewImplicitlyAnimating Iterating over inherited protocols of UIViewImplicitlyAnimating Processing inherited protocols of UIViewAnimating UIViewAnimating was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging UIViewAnimating => UIViewImplicitlyAnimating Processing inherited protocols of UIWebViewDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UIWebViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UIWebViewDelegate Processing inherited protocols of UNNotificationContentExtension Iterating over inherited protocols of UNNotificationContentExtension Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UNNotificationContentExtension Processing inherited protocols of UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate Processing inherited protocols of VNFaceObservationAccepting Iterating over inherited protocols of VNFaceObservationAccepting Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => VNFaceObservationAccepting Processing inherited protocols of VSAccountManagerDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of VSAccountManagerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => VSAccountManagerDelegate Processing inherited protocols of WCSessionDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of WCSessionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => WCSessionDelegate Processing inherited protocols of WKHTTPCookieStoreObserver Iterating over inherited protocols of WKHTTPCookieStoreObserver Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => WKHTTPCookieStoreObserver Processing inherited protocols of WKImageAnimatable Iterating over inherited protocols of WKImageAnimatable Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => WKImageAnimatable Processing inherited protocols of WKNavigationDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of WKNavigationDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => WKNavigationDelegate Processing inherited protocols of WKPreviewActionItem Iterating over inherited protocols of WKPreviewActionItem Processing inherited protocols of UIPreviewActionItem UIPreviewActionItem was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging UIPreviewActionItem => WKPreviewActionItem Processing inherited protocols of WKScriptMessageHandler Iterating over inherited protocols of WKScriptMessageHandler Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => WKScriptMessageHandler Processing inherited protocols of WKUIDelegate Iterating over inherited protocols of WKUIDelegate Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => WKUIDelegate Processing inherited protocols of WKURLSchemeHandler Iterating over inherited protocols of WKURLSchemeHandler Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => WKURLSchemeHandler Processing inherited protocols of WKURLSchemeTask Iterating over inherited protocols of WKURLSchemeTask Processing inherited protocols of NSObject NSObject was already merged with all protocols it inherits from. Merging NSObject => WKURLSchemeTask Not sure how to handle: name= simd_float4x4 type= record value= simd_float4x4 Not sure how to handle: name= simd_float4x4 type= record value= simd_float4x4 Couldn't resolve typedef: ValueType Not sure how to handle: name= value type= typedef value= ValueType Couldn't resolve typedef: UnitType Not sure how to handle: name= unit type= typedef value= UnitType couldn't find class Protocol * {"name":"protocol","optional":false,"type":{"type":"objc_pointer","value":"Protocol *"}}